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137 results found

Waveney District Council/Excess charge notices issued

Excess charge notices issued

Babergh District Council/Excess charge notices issued

Excess charge notices issued

Forest Heath District Council/Excess charge notices issued

Excess charge notices issued

Suffolk Costal District Council/Excess charge notices issued

Excess charge notices issued

St Edmundsbury Borough Council/Excess charge notices issued

Excess charge notices issued

Mid Suffolk District Council/Excess charge notices issued

Excess charge notices issued

Excess Winter Deaths Index (all ages single year)

Excess Winter Deaths Index (all ages single year)

Excess Winter Mortality in Northern Ireland

A measure of the increase in winter mortality defined as the difference between the number of deaths in the winter months of December to March and the average number of deaths in the preceding...

Babergh District Council/Payments made for excess charge notices

Payments made for excess charge notices

Waverney District Council/Payments made for excess charge notices

Payments made for excess charge notices

Mid Suffolk District Council/Payments made for excess charge notices

Payments made for excess charge notices

Forest Heath District Council/Payments made for excess charge notices

Payments made for excess charge notices

St Edmundsbury Borough Council/Payments made for excess charge notices

Payments made for excess charge notices

Suffolk Costal District Council/Payments made for excess charge notices

Payments made for excess charge notices

Excess Winter Mortality in England and Wales 1950-2014

There reference tables presents provisional estimated figures of excess winter mortality (EWM) for the winter period 2013/14, and final figures for the winter period 1950 to 2011 in England and...

Average excess waiting time (decimal minutes) for frequent bus services (6 or more buses per hour) (DfT measure - BUS0903) (LI 22)

Average excess waiting time (decimal minutes) for frequent bus services (6 or more buses per hour) (DfT measure - BUS0903) (LI 22) *This indicator has been discontinued

Payments in excess of £25,000 which have been made to our suppliers in April 2022

Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with serious mental illness (formerly indicator 1.5) (NHSOF 1.5.i)

A measure of the extent to which adults with a serious mental illness die younger than adults in the general population. Purpose To measure premature mortality in adults diagnosed with serious...

Evidence for the top-down control of lava domes on magma ascent dynamics. (NERC Grant ref NE/L002574/1)

Data output from the numerical flow modelling in GRL manuscript ""Evidence for the top-down control of lava domes on magma ascent dynamics"", by Marsden, L., Neuberg, J. & Thomas, M., all of...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Community Grants 2014 to 2015

Funding of voluntary and community organisations (in excess of £500) - Community Grants