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Cambridgeshire County Council Grants Awarded

A record of grants awarded by the County Council, in line with the Local Government Transparency Code

Built-up Areas (April 2024) Names and Codes in EW

A names and codes file for built-up areas in England and Wales as at 17th April 2024. (File Size 191 KB).Field Names - BUA24CD, BUA24NM, BUA24NMWField Types - Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 9, 54, 33

CGG Digital Well Logs

The NSTA has recently purchased digital well data from CGG for an additional 2235 E&A wells. These have been selected from across the UKCS to complement the existing joined digital well logs...

Cambridgeshire Retail and Town Centre Uses Completions 2017

Amount of completed Retail floorspace (sq.m.) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2016/17. Broken down into four development use classes; A1, A2, B1a and D2. Worksheet includes data by district,...

Cambridgeshire Housing Completions 2002-2017

Number of dwellings completed (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2016/17, data gathered and cleaned by CCC Business Intelligence (Research) team. Worksheet includes data by district,...

Innovate and Cultivate Fund Case Studies

These case studies show how the Innovate & Cultivate Fund is helping organisations to support Cambridgeshire residents.

UKCS Seeps Database

The NSTA has purchased CGG’s NPA Satellite Mapping (NPA) database for the UKCS for publication. The UK database is composed of 983 individually interpreted satellite images, which form between a...

Local Planning Authorities (April 2022) Boundaries UK BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Local Planning Authorities in United Kingdom, as at April 2022.The boundaries available are: (BFC) Full resolution - clipped to the coastline...

Built-up Areas (December 2022) Names and Codes in EW

A names and codes file for built-up areas in England and Wales as at 1st December 2022. (File Size 616 KB).Field Names - BUA22CD, BUA22NM, BUA22NMWField Types - Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 9,...

National Statistics Postcode Lookup - 2011 Census (February 2023) for the UK (V2)

This file contains the National Statistics Postcode Lookup (NSPL) for the United Kingdom as at February 2023 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. To download the zip file...

National Parks (December 2013) GB BFE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for National Parks, in Great Britain, as at December 2013.The boundaries available are: (BFE) Full resolution - extent of the realm (usually this is...

Parishes and Non Civil Parished Areas (December 2022) Boundaries EW BFE (V3)

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Parishes and Non Civil Parished Areas in England and Wales as at December 2022.The boundaries available are: (BFE) Full resolution - extent of...

Local Authority Districts (December 2013) Boundaries GB BFE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Local Authority Districts, in Great Britain, as at December 2013.The boundaries available are: (BFE) Full resolution - extent of the realm...

Code History Database (July 2024) for the UK

This zip file contains the Code History Database for the United Kingdom as at July 2024.  (File size: 50.5 MB)To download the zip file click the Download button.Updates in England to:  Civil...

Sub Integrated Care Board Locations (July 2022) EN BFE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sub-ICB Locations, in England, as at July 2022.The boundaries available are: (BFE) Full Extent of the Realm.Contains both Ordnance Survey and...

Council spending April 2013 - November 2014 - Historical

Council Spending April 2013 - November 2014  No new data will be uploaded to this set.  Spending Data from December 2014 onwards is uploaded each month to the Dataset 'Council spending'.

Local Authority Districts (December 2012) Boundaries GB BFE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Local Authority Districts, in Great Britain, as at December 2012.The boundaries available are: (BFE) Full resolution - extent of the realm...

National Parks (December 2014) GB BFE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for National Parks, in Great Britain, as at December 2014.The boundaries available are: (BFE) Full resolution - extent of the realm (usually this is...

Sub Integrated Care Board Locations (April 2023) EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sub-ICB Locations, in England, as at April 2023.The boundaries available are: (BGC) Generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High...

Local Authority Districts (December 1961) Boundaries EW BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for the Local Authority Districts, in England and Wales, as at Census 1961.The boundaries available are:(BFC) Full resolution - clipped to the...