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866 results found

NI Air Quality

Air pollution results from the introduction of a range of substances into the atmosphere from a wide variety of sources. It can cause both short term and long term effects on health, but also on...

Air Quality - PM10 - Annual Mean

This dataset contains the Annual Mean Objective for PM10 (Particulate Matter) in Leicester City.  The annual mean is not to exceed 40µg/m3.Terms used in the dataset:TEOM = Tapered Element...

Local Air Quality Management Zones

Polygon dataset showing the locations of the air quality management zones in the Cotswold District.

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Point dataset showing the locations of the local air quality monitoring stations in the Cotswold District.

Local Plan 2004 Air Park

Areas Wycombe Air Park relevant to Policy GB10 of the Adopted Local Plan 2004, polygons

RBC Air Quality Management Areas

Rushcliffe Borough Council Air Quality Management Areas

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Air quality monitoring stations within East Staffordshire.

Air Quality Monitoring Diffusion Tube

This dataset contains Nitrogen Dioxide readings from a range of diffusion tubes across the London Borough of Camden. Diffusion tubes are often used for indicative monitoring of ambient nitrogen...

Camden Air Quality Conference 2016

This dataset contains NO2 readings from various monitor types in various locations from June 2016. This data will be used at the Camden Air Quality Conference 2016 on the 2nd November 2016.

Allerdale National Air Traffic Service

National Air Traffic Service Constraints (NATS) which restricts certain types and heights of planning applications.

LBM_Local Air Quality Management Zones

This dataset comprises of air quality management areas across the London Borough of Merton, identified as part of the LAQM (Local Air Quality Management) assessment.

Thurrock Air Quality Management Locations

The dataset shows the locations of air quality monitoring carried out within the Borough of Thurrock. The dataset shows current monitoring site as well as historical (closed) sites. Upon accessing...

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

AQ monitoring stations for NO2 and PM2.5. Diffusion tubes and Automatic monitoring.

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Dataset shows location of air quality monitoring stations

Local Air Quality Management Zones

Wakefield Council has declared a number of Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) for locations where monitoring has identified that levels of nitrogen dioxide, primarily from road transport, exceed...

Local Air Quality Management Zones

Local Air Quality Management Zones (AQMZ) for the Lewes District, the limit of each AQMZ is recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

Local Air Quality Management Zones

Areas covered my air quality management in Northampton.

Local Air Quality Management Zones

Local AQMZ for central Gateshead.


Under the Environmental Protection Act 1995 local authorities are required to review air quality in their areas. Where air quality objectives are not likely to be achieved, local authorities must...

BCKLWN Local Air Quality Monitoring

Locations of Air Quality Monitoring Stations managed by the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk.