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931 results found

Number of Pupils on Roll in Primary schools by Year Group

Number of pupils on roll by year group in Calderdale Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only available...

Pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL) - Primary Schools

Number of pupils with English as an additional language in Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. The dataset for Academies...

Projected number of primary school aged-pupils in York

Projected number of primary school aged-pupils in York

% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement - numbers

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement - numbers

Monsoon-triggered landslide point data for central-eastern Nepal (NERC grant NE/L002582/1)

This file contains the point data and areas (in m) of 12,838 monsoon-triggered landslides that occurred during distinct monsoon seasons between 1988 and 2018 across a 45,000 km2 region of...

School Census - Pre-Primary Schools

School Census information - pre primary schools

Primary 1 and Year 8 Obesity

Proportion of primary 1 and year 8 pupils classified as obese according to Body Mass Index (BMI) measurement. Information collected and reported on an annual basis.

Prescribing data in Primary Care, England

A link to a website page providing links to data relating to NHS prescription data dispensed in the community.

Antibacterial Primary Care Prescribing Indicators

Annual report summarising antibacterial use in primary care in Scotland. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Fife Primary School Catchment Areas

The non-denominational primary school catchment areas in Fife, each of which is associated with one non-denominational primary school and used as a catchment area for enrolment at the school.

Primary School Delineated Areas - Angus

Gives current catchment/delineated areas for all primary schools in Angus.

Highland Council Primary School Catchments

Highland Council Area Primary School Catchments.This dataset is maintained by the Care & Learning Service.

Fife Primary School Catchments (WFS)

WFS Service provides download capabilities for Primary School Catchments

Highland Council Primary School Catchments

Highland Council Area Primary School Catchments.This dataset is maintained by the Care & Learning Service.

Highland Council Primary School Catchments

Highland Council Area Primary School Catchments.This dataset is maintained by the Care & Learning Service.

Primary School Catchments (Denominational) - Moray

Primary School Catchments (Moray) (Denominational). The zones (catchment areas) are shown as delineated areas on maps.

Primary School Catchments - North Ayrshire

Boundaries of non denominational primary school catchment areas within North Ayrshire

RAISEonline school performance, absence and exclusion and census data

Information for this dataset is sourced from the Department for Education. Data is held for primary, secondary and special schools in England. Data is calculated at different aggregation levels:...

NI 194c - Air quality - percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authority's estate and operations - Emissions of PM10

Percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations