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12 results found

Time series of uranium transformations in aerobic soils following experimental addition of uranyl ion

The data comprise measurements of the 'soluble', 'chemically exchangeable' and 'isotopically exchangeable' U concentrations in a diverse set of soils following experimental addition of UO22+ and...

Technetium-99 (99Tc) transformations in aerobic soils following experimental addition of the radioactive anion 99TcO4-

The data comprise measurements of the 'soluble', 'adsorbed' and 'organically bound' 99Tc concentrations in a diverse set of soils following experimental addition of 99TcO4- and incubation in the...

Influence of riparian shade on stream thermal regime (New Forest 2010)

River temperature is a key parameter of water quality. Most bio-chemical processes and physical characteristics of a water body are functions of temperature. Aquatic organisms including fish are...

2007-2008 North Sea Sedimentary Rates Analysis

Carbon degradation processes describe the rate of bacterial processes in the sediment which are using various components to break-down carbon. This could be respiration (aerobic) using oxygen...

Carbon dioxide and methane emissions from incubated streambed sediments from the rivers Tern and Lambourn, England (2015)

The dataset contains carbon dioxide and methane emissions, as well as resorufin production (as a proxy for microbial metabolic activity) and dissolved oxygen concentrations, resulting from...

Physiological variation in wild and lab-reared threespine sticklebacks from Icelandic geothermal and ambient sites

[This dataset is embargoed until January 1, 2025]. Data contain measurements of physiological variation in threespine stickleback from Icelandic populations. The data includes metabolic rates...

Traits data from juvenile trees exposed to a 50% reduction in canopy throughfall at the Caxiuan drought experiment, Brazil, 2017

A data set consisting of seventeen functional traits collected on 43 saplings from a Control and 33 saplings from a long-term drought experiment site in a tropical rainforest in NE Amazonia,...

Seasonal breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers at an agriculturally-impacted stream at Wood Brook, UK, 2016-2017

This dataset contains breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers resulting from instantaneous tracer experiments in a lowland agricultural...

Concentrations of hydrocarbons and inorganic parameters in a network of groundwater wells impaired by an underground blowout

On December 1, 1965, an underground blowout during an exploratory drill with a catastrophic outcome occurred near Sleen, The Netherlands. During approximately 2.5 months, near-continuous leakage of...

Physico-chemical characterization of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash derived from UK bioenergy production

This dataset contains nitrogen data from nitrate, ammonium and nitrite, total nitrogen and carbon data, and elemental composition data from anaerobic digestate and biomass ash from UK bioenergy...

Data from Chicxulub crater (NERC grant NE/P006736/1)

Cell count data from the Chicxulub crater. Grant abstract: The deep subsurface is recognised to be an environment that supports a large and diverse microbial biosphere, and yet we still know very...

QICS: No evidence for impacts to molecular ecophysiology of ion or CO2 regulation in tissues of selected surface-dwelling bivalves in vicinity of CO2 release

Whilst sub-seabed Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has the potential to remove a significant proportion of anthropogenic CO2 emissions at source, research is necessary to constrain the...