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728 results found

Employee Assistance Programme

Dedicated information and counselling service for The Insolvency Service employees - produce reports on types of issues raised by staff, grades of staff contacting them etc.

Human Relations - Employee Relations & Human Relations Direct

Commissioned Medical Reports; Health Insurance paperwork including claims forms; ill health retirement paperwork; Employee Assistance Programme; Access to work reports ; casework information

US Employee

Employee information - Civil Servants

Senior Employees

Scarborough Borough Council senior employee information. Published in compliance with the Transparency Code 2015.

Proportion of Employee Jobs in BIS Priority Sectors

This release provides employee jobs information on a NUTS1 or NUTS2 basis in the BIS priority sectors. It contains both data and maps, and is intended to assist Local Economic Partnerships (LEPs)...

Total Employee Jobs

Total Employee Jobs

Poultry Inspection Assistant

List of  premises approved by Food Standards Agency using Poultry Inspection Assistants (PIAs) including numbers of PIAs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as at March 2017.

Employee Injury Incidents

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has now been retired. Data for incidents that have resulted in injuries to employees. Includes incidents resulting in the employee being absent from work or a period of...

Employees - Headcount & FTE

Breakdown of number of Leicester City Council's employees (excluding Schools) providing headcount and full time equivalent.This information is provided on a quarterly basis.

% of Full-time employees

% of Full-time employees

% of Part time employees

% of Part time employees

DfE Employee Data File

Employee data file containing personal data of department employees

Employee Performance Markings

The data shows the proportion of employees awarded a performance rating in relation to grade, gender, working pattern, disability, ethnicity, religious belief, sexual orientation, age and...

Senior Employee Salaries

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC). Senior salaries (where remuneration greater than £50000) in the last year. Published under Transparency Code 2014 and Open Government Licence (OGL). CSV...

Official Development Assistance British Council

FCO Official Development Assistance through the British Council

Official Development Assistance (ODA) Budget

Summary of FCO Official Development Assistance by category

Official Development Assistance (ODA) British Council

British Council - FCO Official Development Assistance 2012-2013 through the British Council

Employees - Grade, Gender and Ethnicity

Breakdown of number of employees by grade, gender and ethnicity.This data will be published quarterly.

Teaching assistants in maintained schools

Full-time equivalent teaching assistants in Local Authority maintained schools Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Borough by sector employee jobs

This dataset provides experimental estimates of borough-by-sector employee jobs in London. It provides a time series consistent with ONS Workforce Jobs data where this would not otherwise be...