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Attendance Allowance

Quarterly statistics with counts and rates for Attendance Allowance claimants by district, county, ward and LSOA. Attendance Allowance is payable to people over the age of 65 who are so severely...

Secondary School Attendance

Secondary school attendance based on sessions attended for pupils living in the LSOA for the academic year. A session is a half day at school. As a result of school closures due to the Covid-19...

Primary School Attendance

A data set which shows the number of sessions attended at primary schools in Leeds by LSOA and overall attendance. A session is half a day. As a result of school closures due to the Covid-19...

A&E attendances (0-4 years), per 1,000 attendances

A&E attendances (0-4 years), per 1,000 attendances

Members Attendance Statistics

Statistics for the attendance of Members at committees from August 2014 - May 2016

Children’s Centre Attendances

Attendance data for Children’s Centres in Calderdale including overall number of attendances, parents, families, children 0-4 years old and broken down by location.

Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance (AA) is payable to people over the age of 65 who are so severely disabled, physically or mentally, that they need a great deal of help with personal care or supervision. AA...

Parental Responsibility Measures, Attendance Census

The Parental Responsibility Measures Attendance Census is a mandatory data collection for all 152 local authorities in England in respect of their use of penalty notices, parenting contracts and...

Attendance and Absence in Scottish Schools

Trends in attendance, types of absence and pupil characteristics. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Attendance and Absence...

Attendance Allowance (AA)

Attendance Allowance is payable to people over the age of 65 who are so severely disabled, physically or mentally, that they need a great deal of help with personal care or supervision Source:...

Attendance Allowance Recipients (Statistical Geography)

The information is aggregated data from scans of Attendance Allowance data at 1992 ward level.

Road Collision Attendants In Camden

This dataset contains road collisions in Camden dating back to 2005. Data is provided by TfL (Transport for London) on an annual basis in three parts – this is the attendant part, casualties and...

Online payments

This dataset shows the actual number and value of payments received by Leeds City Council through online means and telephone calls. Heading meanings ---------------- * Internet: electronic...

Northern Ireland Attendance Allowance Summary Statistics

Presents data from the Attendance Allowance (AA) Quarterly Statistical Enquiry, shows the key features of the AA population, provides a summary of the main features of AA and how they affect...

Care to Learn, Learner Attendance and Childcare Provider Attendance Monitoring

For the Care to Learn Student Support Scheme monthly attendance monitoring is undertaken to ensure the young parent and their child remain in education and childcare (respectively). This data is...

Attendance at primary and post-primary schools

Analysis of pupil attendance at primary, post-primary and special schools in Northern Ireland, by school and pupil characteristics. Source agency: Education (Northern Ireland) Designation:...

Possession Claim Online

Case management system for claims made through Possession Claim online. Details include personal details of individuals and parties involved, details of items, dwellings, (such as houses, flats) in...

Waveney District Council/Members Attendances - Annual Returns

Members Attendances - Annual Returns

Online Job Postings Analyses

### Introduction These analyses are based on online job postings data provided by Lightcast. This near real-time data can be used to track and assess the demand for labour in London, though there...

NSPL Online Latest Centroids

This file contains the digital vector centroids for the National Statistics Postcode Lookup in the UK as at November 2024.The centroids are of every live and terminated postcode in the United...