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Babies First Names, Scotland

List and frequency of names given to newly born children for the calendar year Source agency: National Records of Scotland Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Baby Names, England and Wales

Most popular first names for baby boys and girls. Derived from final annual births registration data and include all live births in England and Wales. Source agency: Office for National...

Admission of full-term babies to neonatal care (NHSOF 5.5)

The number of full-term babies (gestation greater than 36 weeks) admitted within 28 days of birth to a neonatal unit, expressed as a percentage of all full-term births. Purpose This indicator...

Low birth weight full-term babies (CCGOIS 1.26)

The percentage of full-term live babies that were born weighing less than 2,500g. Current version updated: Jun-17 Next version due: Jun-18

Babies First Names Bulletin (Northern Ireland)

Top 100 most popular boys' and girls' names. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Infant mortality (NHSOF 1.6.i)

Infant mortality is defined as the number of babies dying before the age of one for every 1,000 live births. Purpose Infant mortality is a measure of the longer term consequences of perinatal...

Full list of first Forenames given to babies registered in Northern Ireland

These boys' names and girls' names lists have been collated from live Birth registrations in Northern Ireland, from 1997-2016.

% of mothers who give their babies breast milk in the first 48 hours after delivery (breastfeeding initiation)

% of mothers who give their babies breast milk in the first 48 hours after delivery (breastfeeding initiation) *This indicator has been discontinued

Infant Feeding Survey - 2010

Note: Following further validation, a couple of changes were needed which meant some findings previously reported in the Infant Feeding Survey 2010: Early Results publication were reported as...

Breast feeding initiation

The percentage of women giving birth in 2007/08 who put their baby to the breast in the first 48 hours after delivery, out of all maternities where breast feeding initiation status is...

Neonatal mortality and stillbirths (formerly indicator 1.6.ii) (NHSOF 1c)

The number of babies stillborn or dying before 28 days old per 1,000 live births and stillbirths. Purpose Neonatal mortality and stillbirths rates aim to reflect NHS care during pre-pregnancy,...

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES): NHS Maternity Statistics - provider level analysis

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) contains a wide range of maternity information which has been published annually since 2000-01. The publication includes details of all births taking place in NHS...

Maternity Services - Monthly Statistics (England)

This is a report on NHS-funded maternity services in England, from the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS). The MSDS is a patient-level data set that captures key information at each stage of the...

Modifiable Child Deaths in England

The number of child deaths which have been reviewed by the Child Death Overview Panels, including the number which were assessed as preventable. Local Safeguarding Children Boards are responsible...

Newborn Infant Physical Examination

Solution for captuing head to toe physical examination of babies for eyes, heart, hips

National Air Traffic Services (NATS) Safeguarding Zones - Scotland

Under The Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1990 and The Town and Country Planning (Technical Sites) (Scotland) Direction 2003 and Scottish Executive Planning Circular 2/2003, planning...

Compendium of Maternity Statistics

The Maternity Services Data Set has been developed as a key driver to achieving better outcomes of care for mothers and babies. The data set will provide comparative, mother and child-centric...

Newborn Hearing Screening Programme

Newborn Hearing Screening Programme (NHSP) Screening IT solution for tracking/screening babies hearing from 0-5 years

Belfast Public Toilets

This data set contains information about our public toilets, data items include; name, address, RADAR key, baby changing facilities, longitude, latitude

National Neonatal Audit Programme annual report on 2012 data

This publication contains data from the National Neonatal Audit Programme annual report on 2012 data. The audit aims to assess whether babies admitted to neonatal units receive consistent...