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746 results found

Homeless families with children, living in bed & breakfast

This data outlines the number of families with children living in bed and breakfast accommodation, at the end of each quarter (3 months) between 31 December 2011 and 31 December 2015, across...

Number of Households in Bed and Breakfast Temporary Accommodation 2013/14 - 2015/16

The number of households living in bed and breakfast accommodation (including hotels) at the end of each quarter. Data is based on financial quarters e.g. Q1 is a snapshot at the end of June

Thurrock Breakfast Clubs

This dataset shows the locations of Breakfast Clubs in Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

Bed availability and occupancy

Bed availability and bed occupancy. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Bed availability and occupancy

Critical Care Beds

Critical care beds. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Critical Care Beds

Hospital beds in NHS institutions

Average daily number of available and occupied beds by sector, NHS organisations in England Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of Health Geographies: Primary Care Trust...

Bed availability and occupancy

Bed availability and bed occupancy. Source agency: NHS England Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Bed availability and...

Native Oyster Bed Potential

Summary: Most Native Oyster Bed Potential areas are derived from seabed sediment and current energy criteria. Some 'Additional' areas have been identified through consultations with local experts....


Levels of homelessness households in temporary accommodation Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD),...

Devon and Dorset map of Zostera beds

Past and present datasets containing details of Zostera beds in Devon and Dorset have been merged into one dataset

Morecambe Bay map of Zostera beds

This map shows the area covered by seagrass beds in the west part of Morecambe Bay, near Walney Island. The data were obtained by the MESH Project as the results of a data collation contract...

Available Beds

Information on trends in available beds, occupancy, mean stay and throughput by NHS Board and specialty. From March 2011 this publication will be part of a new quarterly publication - the "Acute...

Critical care bed capacity and cancelled operations: monthly situation reports

Monthly data on critical care bed use and cancelled urgent operations Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Bed bug detection

Isolation and identification of bed bug compounds with a view to development of a diagnostic device to provide rapid detection of bed bug infestations.

Local Development Plan: Valued Tourist Areas - Argyll and Bute

Valued Tourist Areas vulnerable to change of use, as identified in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015 - key sites within the overall tourism infrastructure of the planning...

NI 134 - The number of emergency bed days per head of weighted population

Emergency bed days would be defined as in year bed days of Finished Consultant Episodes (FCEs) where the admission method is reported as emergency. Data is on a commissioner basis. Source:...

NI 134 - The number of emergency bed days per head of weighted population

Emergency bed days would be defined as in year bed days of Finished Consultant Episodes (FCEs) where the admission method is reported as emergency. Data is on a commissioner basis.

Extent of Serpulid reef and Modiolus modiolus beds in Loch Creran

The purpose of the current study was to initiate site condition monitoring of the reefs of Loch Creran. This was done to establish a baseline biological data set that would facilitate the...

Roosecote sands and east of Walney Island map of Zostera beds

This map shows the area covered by seagrass beds to the east of Walney Island and in Roosecote Sands (both areas are west of Morecambe Bay). The data were obtained by the MESH Project as the...

Distribution of Zostera beds around eastern tip of Isle of Wight
