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28 results found

Creative Industries Economic Estimates

Statistics on Gross Value Added (GVA), Employment and Exports within the creative industries. Source agency: Culture, Media and Sport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Creative People and Places Awards

Creative people and places programme awards

Tate Archive - Creative Commons

A portion of Tate archive works are being made available under Creative Commons licences as part of the Heritage Lottery funded project

Tate Collection works - Creative Commons

A substantial portion of the 70,000 Tate collection works are being made available under Creative Commons licences

Pupil Foundation Stage Profile: Creative development

The proportion of foundation stage children (five year olds) achieving early learning goals in creative development Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher:...

Creative Industries Economic Estimates for Northern Ireland: Experimental Statistics

This annual series of publications provides statistics on key economic estimates for the Creative Industries in Northern Ireland Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern...

Creative Enterprise Zones (CEZ) data repository

The data contained in this repository relates to London's Creative Enterprise Zones. It can be used to review job and business data for each CEZ, as well as several other creative areas across...

Advice notes on curating time-based media such as film, audio etc - Creative Commons

Creative Commons licences are being applied to advice notes on curating time-based media, written in conjunction with the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

OS Open Greenspace

Find the location of public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas, allotments and more with OS Open Greenspace. A valuable dataset to stimulate creative thinking and innovation to...

NI 090 - Take up of 14-19 Learning Diplomas

Number of enrolments on diplomas measured using Minerva against the 14-19 population for the relevant cohort based on ONS population estimates. Learning Diploma means a new qualification in 14...

OS Open Zoomstack

OS Open Zoomstack makes OS open data more accessible, customisable and easier to use. It provides a single, customisable map of Great Britain to be used at national and local levels. The data is...

NI 090 Take up of 14-19 Learning Diplomas

Number of enrolments on diplomas measured using Minerva against the 14-19 population for the relevant cohort based on ONS population estimates. Learning Diploma means a new qualification in 14...

Social Investment and Foundations

A list detailing social investments made by a number of UK charitable foundations. This list includes data from the following three foundations: Panahpur, The LankellyChase Foundation, and The...

NI 092 - Narrowing the gap between the lowest achieving 20% in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the rest

The gap between the median Foundation Stage Profile score of all children locally and the mean score of the lowest achieving 20% of children locally, as a percentage of the median score of all...

NI 072 - Achievement of at least 78 points across the Early Years Foundation Stage with at least 6 in each of the scales in Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication, Language and Literacy.

The number of children achieving 78 points across all 13 Early Years Foundation Stage Profile scales with at least 6 points or more in each of the Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)...

Collections database

The Tate Collection Here we present the metadata for around 70,000 artworks that Tate owns or jointly owns with the National Galleries of Scotland as part of ARTIST ROOMS. Metadata for around...

Hyperspectral data of a submerged tarpaulin at Whitlingham Broad, UK, 2021

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) hyperspectral data collected on 19/08/2021, imagining an artificial 10x10m tarpaulin deployed in Whitlingham broad (Norwich, UK). This dataset was collected in a...

Camden Business Survey Report 2017

The Camden Business Survey 2017 gathered key business intelligence around business confidence, activity and employment, and issues of importance. Previous surveys were conducted in 2014 and 2012....

City Centre Quarters

Areas identified for regeneration focus. The City Centre has areas where specific uses cluster together or which have a particular character or identity. The Nottingham-Beeston canal is at the...

Minecraft Cambridge

Minecraft map and data of Cambridge Info for Collusion Maker Challenge: Minecraft-Cambridge combines LIDAR sensor data from the UK...