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EXP Match Day

Match day parking zones football matches which prioritise parking for local residents and busineses played at home.

Bat morphological data from England, Spain and Portugal, 2015-2020

Morphological and life history data collected from three bat species, Barbastella barbastellus, Plecotus auritus and Myotis escalerai, captured in England, Spain and Portugal to study adaptive...

Transfer parameters for radionuclides and radiologically significant stable elements to foodstuffs in Spain

Data comprise of radionuclide and stable element concentrations in vegetal and animal food and feedstuffs, and their corresponding transfer coefficients and concentration ratios determined in...

Pulleniatina Coiling Data IODP Exp 363 (NERC grant NE/P016375/1)

Pulleniatina U1486 coiling sequence. Grant abstract: This grant supports the participation of UK scientists Professor Paul Pearson in Expedition 363 of the International Ocean Discovery Program...

Elemental and radionuclide concentrations for several vegetation species from a site in Extremadura, Spain

Data comprise elemental and radionuclide concentrations in freeze-dried Mediterranean plants, seeds and oven dried soil. The samples were collected in June 2014 along a transect located in the...

Male behaviour in a wild field cricket (Gryllus campestris) population in North Spain, 2019

The data provide information on a number of male cricket behaviours organized according to time and duration of the behaviour. Also included are the mean temperature at the ground level for the...

Residential Parking Zones

SBC residential parking zones and EXP Match day zones. These zones have set times of parking especially for match day zones who have set days around the year.

Cultural ecosystem services provided by cockles in Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland and the UK, 2018-2020

Data comprise scores (from 0 to 5) of examples of cultural ecosystem services provided by cockles from Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland and the UK. All data were collected using an a priori...

Stable Isotope and geochemical Data from Spain and France (NERC grant NE/J020842/1)

Stable Isotope and trace element analyses (Ca, Sr, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations) derived from Cretaceous Belemnites including Duvalia tornajoensis, D. cf. lata constricta, D. binervia, D. cf....

Life history of a wild field cricket population (Gryllus campestris) in North Spain (2006 to 2016)

Data comprise monitoring records of a population of Gryllus campestris, a flightless, univoltine field cricket that lives in and around burrows excavated among the grass in a meadow in Asturias...

Actuarial and phenotypic senescence in a wild field cricket (Gryllus campestris) population in North Spain (2006 to 2016)

Data comprise monitoring records of a population of Gryllus campestris, a flightless, univoltine field cricket that lives in and around burrows excavated among the grass in a meadow in Asturias...

IODP exp 366 sample description, bulk rock and in situ geochemical analyses (NERC grant NE/P020860/1)

The data include:- sample description file: sample full names, site, hole, depth etc., a quick petrographic description of the sample and the embedding serpentinite mud, and information regarding...

IODP Exp 346: Onset and Evolution of Millennial-scale variability of the Asian monsoon (NERC Grant NE/L002655/1)

This award was made as a sailing participant of IODP Expedition 346, an international ocean drilling programme that NERC subscribe to. As such there was a lot of data generated that is owned and...

Elemental concentrations (Ca, Cs, K, Mg, Sr) in a range of crops and associated soils from the UK and Spain

Data comprise elemental concentrations of Ca, Cs, K, Mg, Sr, NH4-N and NPOC (Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon) measured by ICPMS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), ICPOES (Inductively...

Elemental concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils in terrestrial Mediterranean ecosystems in Spain

Data comprise stable element concentrations in terrestrial Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) and corresponding whole-body concentration ratios determined in two different Mediterranean...

Input data and settings for running a Community Water Model (CWatM) of the Ebro River basin, Spain, 1990-2012

This dataset contains the input data and settings needed to run a Community Water Model (CWatM) of the Ebro River basin in Spain. The input data include: an elevation model of the catchment, flow...

IODP Exp. 353 Site U1446 Indian Summer Monsoon proxies across Termination II (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

Data collected from IODP Expedition 353, Site U1446. Data represent ISM derived rainfall and runoff proxies across Termination II. Mid-depth on CCSFA scale. Two age columns derived from age models...

Geochemical data for deep-sea sediments collected during IODP Exp. 352, Izu-Bonin, NW Pacific (NERC grant NE/M008193/1)

Major, trace element and REE analyses of muds and mudstones from selected intervals from all of the holes. Location of the drill holes are given in the Exp. 352 cruise report (Reagan et al)

Physical and chemical properties of wildfire ash collected from different ecosystems and burn severities across the globe, 2003-2021

This dataset describes the chemical and physical properties of wildfire ash collected following wildland fires in different ecosystems and burn severity conditions across the globe. For the...

Mineral chemistry of volcaniclasts from IODP Site 1438 drilled during exp.351 in the Amami Basin, W.Pacific Ocean. (NERC grant NE/M007782/1)

Mineral chemistry of volcaniclasts from IODP Site 1438 drilled during exp.351 in the Amami Basin, W.Pacific Ocean. This data includes mineral chemistry of mafic minerals determined by electron...