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751 results found

Newcastle Libraries catalogue items

Extract from the Library Management System (LMS) showing the items held in the libraries' catalogue. Due to a change of LMS in 2018 different fields are available from 2018 onwards.   Additional...

Library Catalogue New Items

An RSS Feed of new items added to the WCC Library Catalogue. Data Items include: Title, Author, Category (may be multiple) and a Description which includes the ISBN reference and year of publication.

Business spending on capital items

Provides information for the national accounts and economists. It is also used to calculate weights for combining appropriate producer price indices for deflating the quarterly capital expenditure...

Items of expenditure over £25,000

Individual items of British Council spend over £25,000. This information is published in line with UK Central Government commitment's transparency commitment in 2010 and also under the requirments...

Camden Wards Profile (Excel) Jan 2020

Excel data sheet updated wards profile with data sheet and associated graphs.

Water Framework Directive Classification Item Hierarchy

This spreadsheet defines the relationships between Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification items. Classifications are arranged according to the classification hierarchy. Data are sourced...

Camden Wards Profile LATEST (Excel within ZIP)

Profile of ward-level indicators from a variety of sources. Excel within Zip file

Excel Mapping Template for London Boroughs and Wards

A free mapping tool that allows you to create a thematic map of London without any specialist GIS skills or software - all you need is Microsoft Excel. Templates are available for London’s Boroughs...

Tree Preservation Orders schedule items

The dataset contains polygons for Tree Preservation Order Schedule Items within the London Borough of Barnet. Tree Preservation Orders are made by the local planning authority to protect specific...

% of the panel reporting an ‘excellent’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service

% of the panel reporting an ‘excellent’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service

Items over £25k 2017-18

Monthly spend over £25k for 2017-18

RN Pers SAC Excel D/B

Tracks Royal Navy/Royal Marines Summary Appeal Cases.

ONS VML Business Spend on Capital Items (BSCI)

Survey covering total capital expenditure of businesses.

NHS SWE items of spend over £25,000

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by NHS South West Essex, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Defence Logistic Information Item of Supply Information System (ISIS)

Includes information on standards

NHS South East Essex items of spend over £25,000

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by NHS South East Essex, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

EU Project: CO2GeoNet - Network of Excellence on CO2 Geological Storage

CO2GeoNet is the European scientific authority dealing with all aspects of geological storage of CO2, durably engaged in enabling the safe and efficient deployment of the CO2 Capture and Storage...

UK Strategic Export Control Lists: The Consolidated List of Strategic Military and Dual-Use Items

The listing of strategic controlled goods which might require an export licence. The list incorporates the UK Military List and the EU Dual-Use List.

Additional sample list for the SoS RARE project (Security of Supply of Rare Earths) (NERC Grant NE/M01147X/1)

This dataset is an additional sample list, as an Excel spreadsheet, providing details of the major sample suites collected by Delia Cangelosi during SoS RARE and not added to the master spreadsheet...

Library Stock Summary

Library Stock Summary Details the amount of physical book stock held in Barnet Libraries on a given date. Columns Local authority – Barnet Library name – each item has a home location on our...