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Observations of Fukushima fallout in Great Britain

Following the Fukushima accident in March 2011, grass samples were collected from 42 sites around Great Britain during April 2011. Iodine-131 was measurable in grass samples across the country with...

Datasets from sediment cores collected from the Semenov Hydrothermal Field during the RRS James Cook cruises JC224 (2022) and JC254 (2023)

This dataset comprises a variety of sediment core data from the Semenov Hydrothermal Field region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, collected during RRS James Cook cruises JC224 (March - April 2022) and...

Impacts of the Calbuco eruption, Chile (NERC grant NE/N007271/1)

Volcanic ash samples were collected and analysed following the 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, Chile. Datasets uploaded are: Calbuco2015 Probe Data - excel Calbuco2015 Locations and Grain Size –...