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665 results found

% of panel who agree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York

% of panel who agree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York

% of panel who disagree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York

% of panel who disagree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York

Online Job Postings Analyses

### Introduction These analyses are based on online job postings data provided by Lightcast. This near real-time data can be used to track and assess the demand for labour in London, though there...

London Job Posting Analytics

This workbook summarises recent Job Posting Analytics related to delivery drivers in London. The data is provided by **Emsi**, a data modelling company.  It looks at job postings based on two...

Employees receiving job-related training

Employees receiving job-related training Source: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Annual Population Survey (APS) Publisher: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills...

Green Job Postings

**About this dataset** ---------------------- **This page presents experimental analysis related to green jobs and skills in London,** **using online job postings data provided by Lightcast.**...

Skills Bootcamps for Londoners

Skills Bootcamps for Londoners aim to help Londoners aged 19+ to enter employment, upskill or change career and are open to adults who are full-time or part-time employed, self-employed or...

Job Density

Information The number of jobs in an area divided by the resident population aged 16-64 in that area. For example, a job density of 1.0 would mean that there is one job for every resident aged...

Skills for London's economy

As London looks ahead to a skills devolution deal, the capital has ambitions to create an adult skills system that is more responsive to the needs of the local economy. This work reflects on the...

Jobs density

Jobs density: Number of jobs per working age resident of area Source: Nomis Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), Government Office Region (GOR), National, Parliamentary...

Staff Job Roles

GBCC - Job roles and FTEs per job role

Staff Job Roles

Wilton Park - Job roles and FTEs per job role

Job Applications

Job applications for all vacancies advertised by VCA

Proportion of Employee Jobs in BIS Priority Sectors

This release provides employee jobs information on a NUTS1 or NUTS2 basis in the BIS priority sectors. It contains both data and maps, and is intended to assist Local Economic Partnerships (LEPs)...

Total Employee Jobs

Total Employee Jobs

Sub-regional public and private sector employee job estimates

The preferred souce of public sector employment data is the ONS National Statistics of Public Sector Employment. This provides employment estimates at national and regional level based on public...

Workforce Jobs

The Labour Market statistics First Release gives the results of several separate revisions to the workforce jobs series. These are included together with a description of each type of...

Current job vacancies

All current Salford City Council job vacancies, provided by [yourcounciljobs](

Latest Jobs Northumberland

RSS Feed of the latest vacancies with Northumberland County Council Includes job title, directorate, location and salary information.

WCC Jobs - Teaching

An RSS Feed of the latest teaching vacancies with WCC Includes job title, directorate, location and salary information.