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1,226 results found

Data Losses

The number of incidents and customers affected by losses of data. Updated: monthly.

Data Losses

The number of incidents and customers affected by losses of data. Updated: monthly.

Losses and special payments

A master register is maintained recording details of special payments made and losses (including losses due to theft) incurred by the Department throughout the financial year. The majority of the...

Sight loss data tool

Statistics on loss of sight and blindness at county and district levels including projections

Losses and Special Payments Register

List of losses and special payments

Comparing customer service quality

Comparing the quality of customer service. Based on Ofcom's annual research into customer satisfaction. Includes Reasons to Complain data and Complaints Handling data.

The Crime and Policing Comparator

The Crime and Policing Comparator allows you to compare data on recorded crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB), quality of service, finances and workforce numbers for all police forces in England...

Claimant Count Comparators

This dataset uses Claimant Count to monitor unemployment in Leicester and Upper-Tier-Local-Authority (UTLA) comparators as defined by the ONS as well as UTLAs in the East Midlands, and England core...

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown


NI Water Annual Information Return 2019 2020 Table 18c Regulatory Accounts (Historical Cost Accounting) Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

ID 2007 Comparative Illness and Disability indicator

ID 2007: Health Deprivation and Disability, Comparative Illness and Disability indicator Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies:...

International comparative performance of the UK research base

Data on the performance of the United Kingdom's (UK) research base compared to seven other research-intensive countries (Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and US) and, where data are...

ID 2004 Comparative Illness and Disability indicator

ID 2004: Health Deprivation and Disability, Comparative Illness and Disability indicator Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies:...

Revenue Losses

The money owed to HMRC that has been written off. Updated: monthly.

Revenue Losses

The money owed to HMRC that has been written off. Updated: monthly.

NI Water Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses 2020 2021

NI Water Annual Information Return 2020 2021 Table 18c Regulatory Account Historical Cost Accounting Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

NI Water Regulatory Accounts Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses 2019 2020

NI Water Annual Information Return - Regulatory Accounts (Historic Cost Accounting) Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses 2019 2020