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Earnings by qualification in the UK

This analysis looks at differences in the median hourly earnings of employees depending on their highest level of qualification. It will look at the skill levels of jobs that are typically...

Vocational Qualifications

Note: This publication has been renamed 'Vocational and Other Qualifications'. This bulletin covers all National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ), Vocationally-Related Qualifications (VRQ),...

Higher Qualifications

This bulletin covers qualifications of all types at Level 4 and above (equivalent to post-A level), excluding university degrees, which are regulated by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) rather...

Supplemental Qualifications

Supplemental Qualifications Quarterly Activity Bulletin covers Entry to Level 3 Qualifications for Basic skills, Entry level, ESOL, Free-standing mathematics qualifications, Functional skills, Key...

Vocational and Other Qualifications

This bulletin covers all vocational and other types of qualifications (excluding GCSEs, GCEs and the Diploma and its components) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. There is some overlap...

Northern Ireland Qualifications Quarterly

The Northern Ireland Quarterly statistics will no longer be published.  This is due to user feedback and the inclusion of these statistics in the Vocational and Other Qualifications Quarterly...

Higher and Supplemental Qualifications bulletin

This bulletin covers supplemental and higher qualifications. Supplemental covers Entry to Level 3 Qualifications for Basic skills, Entry level, ESOL, Free-standing mathematics qualifications,...


Employee qualifications records

Northern Ireland Annual Statistics

This bulletin covers all regulated qualifications in Northern Ireland Source agency: Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Pay As You Earn (PAYE)

Administrative dataset on PAYE submissions.

Vocational Qualifications in the UK

Provides information on accredited vocational qualifications awarded in the UK. It shows vocational qualification awards by level, gender, age and occupational area. Source agency: Business,...

Care leaver qualifications

Young people who ceased to be looked after in the year ending 31 March aged 16 or over with at least 1 GCSE or GNVQ Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for...

Reviews of marking and moderation for GCSE and A level

Reviews of marking and moderation (previously known as enquiries about results) for GCSE and A level summer exam series in England. ### Source agency Office of Qualifications and Examinations...

Summer GCSEs and IGCSEs entries for England

This publication presents the number of entries for GCSE and IGCSEs by subject in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Source agency: Office of Qualifications and Examinations...

Perceptions of A levels and GCSEs

Each year Ofqual commissions a survey of public perceptions of A levels and GCSEs in England. The survey covers teachers, parents and students, and addresses confidence in the general examinations...

Appeals for GCSE, AS and A level

Statistics on the number of appeals against results for GCSEs, AS and A levels. Source agency: Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation Designation: Official Statistics not...

Dental Earnings and Expenses

Dental Earnings and Expenses, provides a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of full-time and part-time self-employed primary care dentists who carried out some NHS/Health Service work in...

GP Earnings and Expenses

The GP Earnings and Expenses Enquiries (EEQs) provide a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of both contractor and salaried GPs in the UK. The reports are agreed by the Technical Steering...

Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings

Earnings statistics for Northern Ireland Employees. Source agency: Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Entries and Late Entries for GCSE, AS and A level

Statistics on the number of entries that were on time and late for GCSE, AS and A level. Ofqual collects and reports information on the number of entries and late entries concerning the GCSE and...