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308 results found

Failure to Appear (FTA) Warrants

FTA Warrant data are published in the quarterly bulletin 'Criminal Justice Statistics Quarterly Update', six months in arrears, on the MoJ website. FTA data appears within the court proceedings table.

Police force Failure To Appear warrant information systems (various across the 43 police forces in England & Wales)

Failure To Appear (FTA) warrants received, executed and outstanding, by category of warrant, in each police force area.

CO2-induced salt precipitation test in sandstone (NERC Grant NE/R013535/1)

Here we present the dataset collected during a CO2 flow-through test using a synthetic sandstone of high porosity and permeability, originally saturated with high salinity brine, performed under...

Middlesbrough Brownfield Land Register

In April 2017, the Government published regulations requiring Local Planning Authorities to prepare and publish a Brownfield Land Register by 31 December 2017 and keep it up to date annually. The...

Brine-CO2 flow-through test in synthetic sandstone with oblique fractures

NERC grant NE/R013535/1. Here we present the dataset collected during a brine-CO2 flow-through test using a synthetic sandstone with oblique fractures, performed under realistic reservoir...

Nurdle characteristics with associated bacterial concentrations and virulence of Klebsiella isolates from Scottish beaches, 2022

This dataset holds realistic environmental concentrations of potential pathogens colonising microplastic beads (nurdles) collected from ten Scottish beaches. Observed measures include...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-183 data: The development and demonstration of best-practice guidelines for the start-up injection of CO2 into highly-depleted gas fields: Final report plots and data

The dataset contains 15 plots and data for time-dependent pressures and temperatures at various locations along a 2582-m-long well and at various simulation times. The realistic scenarios taken...

Locally Distinctive Area

Area within a settlement that is locally distinctive by way of its layout built form or general appearance.

Former Local Authority Districts

This dataset lists a number of local authority districts that existed in the 1990s. These former local authority districts appear in some statistical datasets of the DCLG, but are sufficiently...

Criminal careers of those born between 1953 and 1988

This statistical bulletin gives the latest comparative results of the criminal history of offenders born in selected weeks in 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988. The bulletin includes...

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest which have a specific character or appearance which enhances the local area.

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest which have a specific character or appearance which enhances the local area.

Conservation Areas - Fife

A conservation area is an area of architectural or historic value, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. Conservation areas usually feature buildings of high...

Allerdale Emergency Prohibition Order Land Charge

Emergency Prohibition Order Land Charge expressed as a polygon extent. Charges appears to be a mix of Closing Orders, Demolition Orders and Undertakings

Conservation Areas - Dundee

Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural and/or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. Dundee City Council decides which parts...

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest where it is desirable to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of that area.

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are defined as being of "special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance

Derby City Council Conservation Areas

Areas of special architectural or historic interest, 'the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance', known as Conservation Areas, shown as polygons


The sustainable environment assessment required the authority to review local infrastructure - this account for libraries. This layer appears to only account for the main library at Basildon...

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are designated by Local, Planning authorities as areas of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.