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Employee skills records - Forest Research only

Corporation Tax

Administrative datasets on Corporation Tax

Corporation Tax

Administrative datasets on Corporation Tax

Corporate information

Various pieces of corporate information available via

Basic Skills

Includes information on individuals who engage (via Jobcentre intervention) in any part of the basic skills process. The dataset is used to evaluate client literacy and numeracy levels. The data...

Corporation Tax Liabilities

Provides breakdowns of the corporation liability by number, income, allowances, deductions, company sector and financial year for the UK. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits:...

Corporate Assets

Property Management (spatial view of Dudley MBC"s Corporate Land and Property Management Asset Register) with general extent of site recorded as a polygon

Transferable Skills: Understanding effective delivery through adult skills provision

Ask Research were commissioned to undertake research on the delivery of transferable skills through GLA adult skills funding in London.    This research aims to improve the GLA's understanding on...

Skills Conditionality Pilot

Skills conditionality involved Jobcentre Plus referring claimants to a skills training provider, Further Education College or Next Step adviser with potential benefit sanctions for...

Skills for Londoners Strategy Local Skills Report and Annexes

The Skills for Londoners Board has published its first Local Skills Report. The report presents an overview of London’s skills landscape and an assessment of progress with the Skills for...

Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

Corporate Water - Cost (£)

Corporate Water - Cost (£)

Corporate Waste - Cost (£)

Corporate Waste - Cost (£)

Notes Corporate Directory

ONS Corporate Directory

Corporate Data Store (CDS) Corporate Property Report

This report contains details of Environment Agency corporate property - including address, postcode, grid reference, current use and status. April 2016 Attribution statement: © Environment Agency...

Corporate Plan OCC

Oxfordshire County Council Corporate Plan 16-20

Corporate Venture Schemes

Annual returns made by Corporate Venture Scheme companies. Updated: Quarterly. Data available from 2000/01 onwards

UK employer skills survey

Industry sector data is presented on reported vacancies, hard-to-fill vacancies (vacancies reported as such by companies), skill-shortage vacancies (vacancies hard to fill due to applicants not...

British council corporate plan and other key corporate documents in electronic form

British Council - Most recent British Council corporate plan and other key corporate documents such as the governance agreements with the Foreign and commonwealth Office

Skills Bootcamps for Londoners

Skills Bootcamps for Londoners aim to help Londoners aged 19+ to enter employment, upskill or change career and are open to adults who are full-time or part-time employed, self-employed or...