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Infaunal SACFOR abundance data from underwater video footage from the Maidens Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Northern Ireland, 2017.

This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from the Maidens Special Areas of Conservation (SAC's) in Northern Irish waters. The selected...

Infaunal SACFOR abundance data from underwater video footage from the Maidens Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Northern Ireland, 2017.

This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from the Maidens Special Areas of Conservation (SAC's) in Northern Irish waters. The selected...

Infaunal SACFOR abundance data from underwater video footage from the Red Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Northern Ireland, 2017.

This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from Red Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in Northern Irish waters. The selected SAC's...

Infaunal SACFOR abundance data from underwater video footage from the Red Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Northern Ireland, 2017.

This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from Red Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in Northern Irish waters. The selected SAC's...

Infaunal SACFOR abundance data from underwater video footage from the Skerries and Causeway Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Northern Ireland, 2017.

This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from Skerries and Causeway Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) in Northern Irish waters. The...

Infaunal SACFOR abundance data from underwater video footage from the Skerries and Causeway Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Northern Ireland, 2017.

This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from Skerries and Causeway Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) in Northern Irish waters. The...

Special Policy

Special Policy

Special Policy

Special Policy

Special Schools

Special Schools within the Bath and North East Somerset Local Authority Area.

Special Health Authorities

Special Health Authorities Contains: Codes for Special Health Authorities in England (note that Special HAs tend to be national organisations rather than administering a particular area of the...

2013 University of Plymouth Thanet Coast (UK) Special Area of Conservation (SAC) towed underwater video condition assessment of epibenthic communities and biotopes

This data set comprises of marine epibenthos (approx. 57 identified taxa derived of Algae, Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chordata, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Porifera) data collected in...

2013 University of Plymouth Thanet Coast (UK) Special Area of Conservation (SAC) towed underwater video condition assessment of epibenthic communities and biotopes

This data set comprises of marine epibenthos (approx. 57 identified taxa derived of Algae, Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chordata, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Porifera) data collected in...

Special Wildlife Sites

Special Wildlife Sites within Wychavon District Council

Special Designation Line

Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

Special Designation Area

Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

Special Designation Point

Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

Special Adviser paybands

The paybands for Special Advisers in the UK Government.

Special Act Land

Special Act Land forms part of the Public Access Map. This includes: • City Walkways and Proposed City Walkways • Permissive Paths • Highway Maintainable at Public Expense • Privately Maintainable...


areas_of_special_character Areas of Special Character is a polygon dataset which includes attribution on the location of designated areas of Special Character within the Tendring District.Upon...

Special Policy Areas

Special Policy Area boundaries (Dalston and Shoreditch SPAs) - part of the Local Development Framework.