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Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

Site Specific Policies

Boundary of Site Specific Policies within North Ayrshire as set out in the Local Development Plan

Broads Site Specific Polygons

This dataset depicts the polygon boundary of each Site Specific Policy adopted by the Broads Authority on 11/07/14. It should be used in conjunction with the Site Specific Lines and Points datasets...

Allerdale Specific Financial Land Charge

Specific Financial charge recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent. Specific Charges as defined under Section 2 of the Land Charge Register.

Broads Authority Site Specific Lines

This is a Line dataset depicting Policies that do not relate to specific settlements, but cover wide areas or a range of smaller sites across the Broads. Specifically XNS 4 (Main Roads Network) and...

UK Daily Site Specific Forecast

A quality controlled datafeed of site specific, daily, 5-day forecasts for approximately 5,000 locations around the UK.

Deployment Specific Forward Inventory Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that advise how many of which piece parts are expected to be needed for specific deployments of Maritime units on Operations and Exercises.

Alcohol-specific hospital admissions (CCGOIS 3.14)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for alcohol-specific conditions per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence intervals. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Dec-17

UK 3-hourly Site-Specific Forecast

Site specific forecasts for over 5,000 sites in the UK, including airports, major landmarks and beaches. Forecast weather data Each site has the following weather forecast...

Emergency alcohol-specific readmission to any hospital within 30 days of discharge following an alcohol-specific admission (CCGOIS 3.15)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of emergency readmissions with a primary diagnosis or an external cause code of an alcohol-specific condition within 30 days of a previous discharge...

Total GVA (income approach) (£ billion)

Total GVA (income approach) (£ billion) *This indicator has been discontinued

GVA per head (income approach) (£)

GVA per head (income approach) (£) *This indicator has been discontinued

Gestation-specific infant mortality in England and Wales

Live births and infant deaths by gestational age. Additionally by birthweight, multiplicity of births, mother's age, marital status (registration type), household occupation and ethnic...

WFD Cycle 2 Specific Pollutants Classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" product and contains classification data for the sub element Specific Pollutants (abbreviated to SP) as used in the...

Seabed videos from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Seabed videos from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705). The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW Approaches...

CTD data from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

CTD data from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705. The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW Approaches area. The...

Camera logs from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Camera logs from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705). The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW Approaches area....

Stills analysis from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Stills analysis from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705). The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW Approaches...

Seabird CTD from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Seabird CTD from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705. The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW Approaches area....

ADCP data from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

ADCP data from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705. The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW Approaches area....