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London Long Term Labour Market Projections

GLA Economics produces long-term employment projections for London by sector and by borough. The methodology in the accompanying report explains the approach adopted. **Links to the 2022...

Wider South East Long Term Labour Market Projections

GLA Economics presents employment projections for the Wider South East. There are separate projections and reports for London, the East of England, and the South East of England. The 2017...

York's Long Term Population Projection

Long term population projections by sex and single year of age for York Local Authority area. These unrounded estimates are published based on ONS estimates designed to enable and encourage...

Medium Term Economic Forecast

London’s Economic Outlook is GLA Economics’ London forecast. The forecasts are issued every six months to assist those preparing planning projections for London in the medium term. The report...

2015 round population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   Four variants of local authority level population...

2014 round population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see for the latest GLA projections.   Four variants of local authority level population...

SNOMED Clinical Terms

SNOMED Clinical Terms

Medium Term Savings

Details of Warwickshire County Council's medium terms savings.

School term times

Details of the term times of Leeds schools since 1993.

School Term Dates

This data shows recommended School Term Dates for the current and next school year. Lincolnshire County Council sets the term dates for all community and voluntary-controlled schools. These dates...

Education terms (previously called A-Z of terms) - Department for Education

Education terms (previously called A-Z of terms) was the controlled vocabulary developed and maintained by the Department for Education. The Education terms vocabulary has been deprecated, and...

2015 round household projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   Household projections incorporating the results of the...

2015 round ethnic group projections

Published in November 2016 these projections are the first GLA ethnic group projections on the basis of 17 ethnic groups. Two variants have been produced based on the 2015 round GLA borough-level...

EU Project: CO2STORE (On-land long term saline aquifer CO2-storage)

EU is required to reduce its CO2 emissions by 8% by 2008-2012, later deeper cuts are foreseen. CO2 underground storage is one of the few options that can meet these obligations. The present project...

Limiting long term illness

Data showing limiting-long term illness in Plymouth.

Long-term empty homes

Data showing the number of long-term empty homes thathave been empty more than 6 months

Long-Term International Migration

A review of the quality of Long-Term International Migration (LTIM) estimates from 2001 to 2011, including a series of revised net migration estimates that are consistent with the results of the...

Constrained R2015 SHLAA projection

These borough-level population projections form part of the GLA 2015 round population projections. They are produced using the GLA SHLAA-capped model and are constrained at the regional level to be...

2014 round ethnic group population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   For the 2014 round, two sets of ethnic group...

Interim 2015-based population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: The 2016-based TREND projections are now available. For housing-led projections the Interim 2015-based projections remain the most current. The housing-led projections will be...