The English Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) is commissioned by NHS England and administered on their behalf by an external survey provider organisation (Quality Health). The survey provides insights into the care experienced by cancer patients across England who were treated as day cases or inpatients. Data from CPES has been linked to cancer registration records recorded by the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (the cancer registry in England). Individual responses to Wave 1 of CPES are recorded , alongside characteristics of the patient who has completed the survey.
Wave 1 of the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey is limited to patients discharged from cancer care between 01/01/2010 – 31/03/2010.
Data within the file:
--PATIENTPSEUDOID (Project specific Pseudonymised Patient ID)
GENDER (coded Male, Female)
--QUINTILE2010 (Deprivation quintile [1-5], describing the Income Deprivation Domain where 1= least deprived and 5= most deprived)
--FINALROUTE (One of eight Routes to Diagnosis- methodology for the assignment of each route is described in Elliss-Brookes L, McPhail S, Greenslade M, Shelton J, Hiom S, Richards M (2012) Routes to diagnosis for cancer – determining the patient journey using multiple routine data sets. British Journal of Cancer 107: 1220–1226.)
--AGE (aggregated in 4 categories: <55, 55-64, 65-74, 75+)
--STAGE (stage of the cancer coded as I, II, III, IV, missing) --CANCERSITE (Cancer sites coded in accordance with ICD 10: C00-C14, C15, C16, C18, C19-C20, C25, C33-C34, C43, C49, C50, C54, C56, C61, C64, C67, C73, C82, C83, C85, C90, C91-C95, D05 and ‘all other ICD-10 codes’
Specific disclosure controls applied:
--Gender omitted from the data specification in the following cancer sites:
• Female only for C50, D05 and C73
• Male only for C49
--Self-reported ethnicity (from the CPES surveys) aggregated into white British / non-white British / not specified.
--Self-reported ethnicity omitted for C49, C64, C73 (replaced as “missing”).