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MHRA GPC TransactionsMHRA Spending over £500: data for April 2021

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Date Merchant name Amount Type Description
12/03/2021 STAMFORD PRODUCTS LIMITED, STALYBRIDGE 588.60 Stationery 30 x 43.8 litre cold room crates for archiving
16/03/2021 OUR WEIGH LTD, LIVERPOOL 552.00 Equipment 1 x Brecknell DS1000 portable drum weigher/floor scale
19/03/2021 CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS, LONDON 840.00 Marketing and advertisements Two entries to the annual CIPR Awards 2021
22/03/2021 ACRO SOFTWARE INC, HAYMARKET 595.46 Computing and Information Technology 20 x CutePDF Professional licences