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Combined Authorities (December 2020) Boundaries EN BGCCSV

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FID CAUTH20CD CAUTH20NM BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E47000001 Greater Manchester 377940 401102 -2.33407 53.50615 1275916522.5007 242513.081813091 247319ad-5b41-4f7d-b328-2a58b22c4867
2 E47000002 Sheffield City Region 441052 398663 -1.38284 53.48311 1551480878.80183 281514.381096324 1066a611-82f0-4889-abd2-8478ad6e06ab
3 E47000003 West Yorkshire 418686 427238 -1.71817 53.7412 2029283766.86362 278457.524654844 e226a98b-2778-433c-9e39-0ddafcd4d01f
4 E47000004 Liverpool City Region 344342 390164 -2.83866 53.40536 731292215.54303 374414.838106809 0eb8661c-699a-4a39-ae5d-55da78e4843f