This resource provides visual aerial survey data for seaduck, divers, grebes, and little gull.
Data were collected visually from aircraft at the following sites, identified as holding potentially important aggregations of non-breeding waterbirds: Aberdeen, Cardigan Bay, Carmarthen Bay, Coll and Tiree, Firth of Clyde, Firth of Forth, Firth of Tay, Greater Wash, Islay, Montrose, Moray Firth, Mull, North East (of England), North West (of England), Northern Ireland, Orkney, Outer Hebrides, Shetland, Sound of Gigha, South Cornwall, South Kent, Thames and Wester Ross. The data collected were used to inform SPA recommendations.
If you are interested in data from only one of the sites, these are available to download as individual Excel spreadsheets from JNCC's Resource Hub.
Supporting information is provided in the accompanying document: 'Supporting information on visual aerial bird survey data'.
Additional information is also available in the following publication:
Camphuysen, K.J., Fox, A.D., Leopold, M.F. and Petersen, I K. 2004. Towards standardised seabirds at sea census techniques in connection with environmental impact assessments for offshore wind farms in the U.K.: a comparison of ship and aerial sampling methods for marine birds, and their applicability to offshore wind farm assessments (PDF, 2.7 Mb), NIOZ report to COWRIE (BAM â 02-2002), Texel, 37pp.