This land dataset includes land parcel boundaries for e-PIMS records marked on the Register. This may be extended to other land records in the future. Currently it provides information on the availability of surplus land for those government departments and their sponsored bodies which fall under the responsibility of English Ministers. The Register is also used on a voluntary basis by NHS trusts and Welsh Government. The Register helps to ensure that wider Government objectives, including housing needs are factored into land disposal decisions. Through the Register, the disposing body provides details of the site and there is a window of 40 working days during which certain public sector bodies can identify new uses for the land.
The dataset available on covers all sites that are outside the 40 working day ‘window’. Such sites may be included in the disposal strategies that have been published by a number of individual government departments. In addition, these sites may now be ‘on the market’ and being actively marketed. The ‘Register of Public Sector Land’ dataset provides details of any sites that are being disposed of through the Register of Surplus Public Sector Land and are outside the 40 working day ‘window’ Certain properties may have more than one entry in the data extract as government has more than one ‘interest’ in that property. Again, the extract provides information about the ‘owning’ government department and the ‘property centre’, i.e. that part of the government department responsible for that property. In addition, it has a property reference (the ‘ePIMS Property Ref’) that allows it to be linked to the other data extracts.
The scope of the data includes land and property information for those government departments, together with any arms’ length bodies for which they are responsible, including their non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs), which fall under the responsibility of English Ministers. These assets are primarily located in England, but are also located in the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales as well as overseas. Also, some Local Authorities have chosen to publish their property data as part of our transparency exercise. The Register helps to ensure that wider Government objectives, including housing needs are factored into land disposal decisions. Through the Register, the disposing body provides details of the site and there is a window of 40 working days during which certain public sector bodies can identify new uses for the land. The dataset available on covers all sites that are outside the 40 working day ‘window’. Such sites may be included in the disposal strategies that have been published by a number of individual government departments. In addition, these sites may now be ‘on the market’ and being actively marketed. The ‘Register of Public Sector Land’ dataset provides details of any sites that are being disposed of through the Register of Surplus Public Sector Land and are outside the 40 working day ‘window’ Certain properties may have more than one entry in the data extract as government has more than one ‘interest’ in that property. Again, the extract provides information about the ‘owning’ government department and the ‘property centre’, i.e. that part of the government department responsible for that property. In addition, it has a property reference (the ‘ePIMS Property Ref’) that allows it to be linked to the other datasets.