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HMRC Business Plan Indicator and Quarterly Data SummaryBusiness Plan Indicators: Quarter 4, 2017 to 2018 (CSV)

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Measure Type Q1 2016-17 Q2 2016-17 Q3 2016-17 Q4 2016-17 Q1 2017-18 Q2 2017-18 Q3 2017-18 Q4 2017-18
Cash expected from compliance - measures the amount of additional compliance revenue when we identify past non-compliance. We apply a discount rate to reflect the fact that some of the amounts we identify will not be collected, due to insolvency for example. (£m) Impact Indicator - Revenue Not set Not set Not set 2,163 2,337 2,113 3,726 1,666 2,117 2355 4,188
Revenue loss prevented - the value of our activities where we have prevented revenue from being lost to the Exchequer, e.g. stopping a fraudulent repayment claim. (£m) Impact Indicator - Revenue Not set Not set Not set 1,454 1,622 1,858 2,992 1,484 2,222 2,873 3,117
Future revenue benefit – assesses the effects of our work on future compliance behaviour. (£m) Impact Indicator - Revenue Not set Not set Not set 1,548 1,549 1,582 1,580 1,518 1,567 1,517 1,479
Product and process improvement – is an estimate of the impact in each year of legislative changes made in the SR10 period that close tax loopholes to reduce opportunities to avoid or evade tax. (£m) Impact Indicator - Revenue Not set Not set Not set 150 371 877 1,614 1 394 439 2,539