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Ward Committee Approved FundingApproved Funding 2020/2021

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Scheme Reference Ward Recipient of ward funding Scheme Details Ward Priority Met Date passed to Ward Committee for Decision Date Funding approved by Ward Committee Final amount approved Status
AC-19-24 Acomb Move the Masses A grant towards local walking trails and guided walks project called ‘Acomb Ambes’ to enable older and isolated people living in Acomb to get out and about in the community. Widening opportunities for older people 16/03/2020 23/04/2020 £3,265.00 Funding Released
AC-19-25 Acomb Walking for Health - York Health Walks Contribution to the project costs incl. printing walk leaflets, walk leader training, first aid training, materials, insurance, cost of meetings, festival promotion and thank you event. Total project cost: £1690. Due to COVID-19 lockdown the applicant had to stop all walks. The funding will be used for reprinting leaflets once we can start walking again. Widening opportunities for older people 16/03/2020 23/04/2020 £100.00 Funding Released
AC-19-26 Acomb Acomb Explore A grant towards activities for different ages of children across the summer 2020 holiday period. This will include the Summer Reading Challenge for children and series of children’s activities lead by an artist and Acomb Explore staff members. Funding will help to offer free places to disadvantaged families through Acomb Explore partnership with Homestart. Due to COVID-19 lockdown the applicant is looking at provision of the above with the use of virtual means incl virtual activities, digital materials, videos and downloads. Widening opportunities for young people 16/03/2020 23/04/2020 £1,000.00 Funding Released
AC-19-27 Acomb Friends of Carr Schools A grant towards renovation of the school pool hall interior.The swimming pool is located within Carr Junior School grounds and is used by pupils from both schools as well as Fishergate Primary and Poppleton Road Primary. Improving health and wellbeing 16/03/2020 23/04/2020 £3,554.00 Funding Released