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Habitat point records from 1993 Unicomarine River Orwell marina proposal littoral survey1993-Unicomarine-River-Orwell-marina-proposal-littoral-survey.csv

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RecordKey SurveyKey SurveyName SampleKey StartDate EndDate DateType LocationName DataType Latitude Longitude Projection HabitatCode HabitatDescription
JNCCMNCR10171907 JNCCMNCR10000481 1993 Unicomarine River Orwell marina proposal littoral survey JNCCMNCR10017415 1993-05-18 1993-05-18 D Cathouse Point (River Orwell) Point 52.0068838467526 1.19822567620713 WGS84 LGS.Tal Talitrid amphipods in decomposing seaweed on the strand-line
JNCCMNCR10174584 JNCCMNCR10000481 1993 Unicomarine River Orwell marina proposal littoral survey JNCCMNCR10017433 1993-05-18 1993-05-18 D Hall Point (River Orwell) Point 52.0058278837437 1.20397973021997 WGS84 LMU.HedStr Hediste diversicolor and Streblospio shrubsolii in sandy mud or soft mud shores
JNCCMNCR10178170 JNCCMNCR10000481 1993 Unicomarine River Orwell marina proposal littoral survey JNCCMNCR10017436 1993-05-18 1993-05-18 D Downham Reach south east (River Orwell) Point 52.00801841145 1.18956212883972 WGS84 LMU.HedStr Hediste diversicolor and Streblospio shrubsolii in sandy mud or soft mud shores
JNCCMNCR10192893 JNCCMNCR10000481 1993 Unicomarine River Orwell marina proposal littoral survey JNCCMNCR10017432 1993-05-18 1993-05-18 D Hall Point (River Orwell) Point 52.0058278837437 1.20397973021997 WGS84 LMU.Mu Soft mud shores