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- Added to
- 2019-10-28
- Access contraints
- none
- Harvest GUID
- 99218a0cbe7b13eb538c6136b9a19052
- Extent
- Latitude: 61.6° to °
- Longitude: -10.7° to 2.8°
- Spatial reference system
- Dataset reference date
- 2019-10-28 (publication)
- 2018-01-08 (creation)
- 2019-10-28 (revision)
- Frequency of update
- unknown
- Responsible party
- Isle of Wight Council (custodian)
- ISO 19139 resource type
- dataset
- Metadata language
- eng
- Source Metadata
Licence information
Personal Use only - Not to be used for Publishing online, sharing with 3rd parties or using in documentation without permission of the Isle of Wigth Council