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North Norfolk Brownfield Land RegisterNorth Norfolk Brownfield Land Register (2019)

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OrganisationURI OrganisationLabel SiteReference PreviouslyPartOf SiteNameAddress SiteplanURL CoordinateReferenceSystem GeoX GeoY Hectares OwnershipStatus Deliverable PlanningStatus PermissionType PermissionDate PlanningHistory ProposedForPIP MinNetDwellings DevelopmentDescription NonHousingDevelopment Part2 NetDwellingsRangeFrom NetDwellingsRangeTo HazardousSubstances SiteInformation Notes FirstAddedDate LastUpdatedDate North Norfolk District Council BLR01 Not set Land at Runton Road Cromer WGS84 1.286255 52.932845 1.03 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned outline planning permission 2006-06-26 Not set Not set 25 Not set Not set Not set 25 29 Not set Not set The calculation used for net minimum (and net dwelling range from) is 60% of the site area multiplied by minimum indicative density (North Norfolk Core Strategy Policy HO7) (in this case 40 dwellings per hectare). The calculation used for net dwelling range to is 70% of the site area multiplied by the same minimum indicative density. 2017-12-18 2019-12-09 Not set North Norfolk District Council BLR02 Not set Coach Depot Claypit Lane Fakenham WGS84 0.850795 52.836309 0.2 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned full planning permission 2018-09-04 Not set 7 Erection of 3, two storey, two bedroom dwellings; 2, two storey, three bedroom dwellings and 2, three storey, 4 bedroom dwellings Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Planning permission reference 18/0908 renewed planning permission reference 13/0995 2017-12-18 2019-12-09 Not set North Norfolk District Council BLR03 Not set Maces Yard 34 - 36 Cromer Road North Walsham WGS84 1.380457 52.824163 0.82 not owned by a public authority yes not permissioned Not set Not set¦¦ Not set 20 Not set Not set Not set 20 23 Not set Not set The site lies within a designated residential area (North Norfolk Core Strategy Proposals Map) where the principle of residential development is accepted. The calculation used for net minimum (and net dwelling range from) is 60% of the site area multiplied by minimum indicative density (Policy HO7) (in this case 40 dwellings per hectare). The calculation used for net dwelling range to is 70% of the site area multiplied by the same minimum indicative density. 2017-12-18 2019-12-09 Not set North Norfolk District Council BLR09 Not set Units at Old Coal Yard Maryland Wells-next-the-Sea WGS84 0.856495 52.953702 0.28 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned full planning permission 2018-08-16 Not set 9 Erection of 9 dwellings comprising of a detached two storey dwelling, 3no. two storey terrace dwellings and 5no. three storey terrace dwelling. Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Planning permission reference 17/1939. Demolition of existing grain store building and erection of dwellings, with associated car parking, access and erection of external steps to facilitate means of escape. 2018-10-08 2019-12-09 Not set