Results from the CERES (Climate change and European aquatic RESources)
project, investigating the challenges and opportunities of climate change
faced by European aquaculture. Several aspects were covered that data was
produced for.
1) Precipitation: data extracted from the PML (Plymouth Marine Labs) model
data portal, projecting future rain fall, comparing the present day time slice
(2000-2020) with a mid-century time slice (2040-2060) under RCP
(Representative Concentration Pathway) 4.5 and RCP 8.5 for each of the CERES
2) Temperature suitability for farming: maps stating the the number of days
that temperatures are suitable over the course of a year for farming a range
of aquaculture species (salt water finfish, freshwater finfish) across Europe
in the present day time slice compared to the mid-century time slice under RCP
4.5 and RCP 8.5.
3) Temperature suitability for aquaculture disease: maps stating the the
number of days that temperatures are suitable over the course of a year where
aquaculture species (salt water finfish, freshwater finfish) farmed across
Europe can be infected by certain diseases in the present day time slice
compared to the mid-century time slice under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5.