This record relates to a substantial amount of hard copy herring data which is
stored off site in the fisheries data archive. This archive contains hundreds
of files, ledgers, log books, box files and large boxes containing data on:
•Biological data, including the age, length, weight, maturity and vertebrae
counts of individual herring
•Scale projection data, containing information on the length-at-age of the
fish, derived from the growth layers on herring scales;
•Herring survey data, collected onboard research or commercial vessels during
surveys specifically aimed to study herring;
•Market sampling data, collected by scientists at the fishing ports where
herring were traditionally landed, such as Lowestoft, Great Yarmouth and South
and North Shields
•Associated environmental data collected during the herring surveys, including
daily weather and wind observations
•Spatial information, including distribution of herring catches during
different years.