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Species point records from 1988 Rostron Scilly Isles sublittoral sediment survey1988-Rostron-Scilly-Isles-sublittoral-sediment-survey.csv

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RecordKey SurveyKey SurveyName SampleKey StartDate EndDate DateType LocationName DataType Latitude Longitude Projection AphiaId Species Uncertain Abundance_SACFORN Abundance_Count IsDead SampleComment
JNCCMNCR10693947 JNCCMNCR10000221 1988 Rostron Scilly Isles sublittoral sediment survey JNCCMNCR10022682 1988-09-20 1988-09-20 D E White Island (Scilly Isles) Point 49.97390155 -6.280974353 WGS84 130980 Scalibregma inflatum FALSE Not set 3 FALSE Habitat composed of mixed silty sand and gravel which was formed into waves. Pebbles were found below the surface while silt had collected in the troughs of the waves.
JNCCMNCR10420391 JNCCMNCR10000221 1988 Rostron Scilly Isles sublittoral sediment survey JNCCMNCR10022659 1988-09-21 1988-09-21 D Tresco Flats (Scilly Isles) Point 49.94398219 -6.342598466 WGS84 126792 Callionymus lyra FALSE F Not set FALSE Very shallow habitat at 0.1 m bcd with Zostera marina bed and a wide range of algae including Bonnemaisonia asparagoides, Gracilaria verrucosa, Cystoclonium purpureum, and Entromorpha and Ulva sp.
JNCCMNCR10421137 JNCCMNCR10000221 1988 Rostron Scilly Isles sublittoral sediment survey JNCCMNCR10022735 1988-09-17 1988-09-17 D SW of Crow Rock, St Marys Sound. (Scilly Isles) Point 49.93562173 -6.315915146 WGS84 126792 Callionymus lyra FALSE O Not set FALSE Habitat consists of coarse granite sand and gravel with a concreted layer 12 cm below the surface. Patches of Zostera marina and occasionally foliose algae and Laminaria saccharina. Suction sample and core sample taken.
JNCCMNCR10420021 JNCCMNCR10000221 1988 Rostron Scilly Isles sublittoral sediment survey JNCCMNCR10022627 1988-09-19 1988-09-19 D St Mary's Road South. (Scilly Isles) Point 49.91564713 -6.337540341 WGS84 126792 Callionymus lyra FALSE O Not set FALSE Habitat composed of a plain of coarse sand with granite pebbles and cobbles at 15.5 m bcd. Epibiota included Lanice conhilega, Anthopleura balli and the alga Stenogramme interruptus.