Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) comprises all brownfield sites that the Council has assessed as being appropriate for residential development. The register is produced to meet the requirements of The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 and the Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017, to prepare and maintain registers of brownfield land considered to be appropriate for residential development.
To be considered suitable for housing, sites must meet the definition of brownfield land and be: - Available for residential development; - Suitable for residential development and free from constraints that cannot be mitigated; - Achievable - development is likely within 15 years; and - Capable of supporting five or more dwellings, or have an area of at least 0.25ha.
Currently, there are 60 sites included in Part 1 of Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register. Details of a further 29 sites which no longer need to be included as active sites on the register are retained for historical reasons in accordance with the Planning Practice Guidance. 6 sites were removed from the active list and added to the non-active list in 2023. This is due to development completions on those sites. 5 new sites have been added to the active list and 1 site, 'Land within Sheerwater Priority Place', has been reintroduced on the active list due to the termination of the regeneration project on the site. Dwelling yields derived from the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) have been replaced with yields from planning permissions or with standard calculations. This is due to the termination of the HIF project.
The inclusion of sites on Part 1 does not give them any formal status, or grant permission in principle. Planning applications on these sites will be considered on their merits in accordance with the Local Development Plan, national policy and any other material considerations.
Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register 2023 comprises:
Brownfield sites allocated for residential development, or mixed use development that includes a residential component, in the Council's adopted Site Allocations Development Plan Document (2021). These are assessed as being deliverable and developable against the criteria of the National Planning Policy Framework;
SHLAA Sites that have recently been reviewed and are assessed as being deliverable and developable against the criteria in the National Planning Policy Framework;
Brownfield sites that have been granted planning permission and have not started.