A Building Standards Register is maintained by local authorities under the terms of Section 24 of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003. Local authorities are responsible for granting permission for work to be done (building warrant) and for a completed building to be occupied (completion certificate). These registers are online and searchable and published as weekly lists in a similar way to planning applications.
Registers typically contain details of applications at the following stages of the building warrant process:
- Received
- Decided
- Commenced
- Completed
The datasets are presented as follows:
- Building Standards - Weekly Lists (Points): A point layer showing an amalgamation of the current calendar year's weekly lists for all Scottish planning authorities in terms of applications registered and/or decided by a local authority. This should be a complete dataset across Scotland using X/Y co-ordinates, UPRN or postcode as corresponding geometry. This is categorised by application status, local authority and date of weekly list.
- Building Standards - Weekly Lists (Polygons): A polygon layer showing an amalgamation of the current calendar year's weekly lists for most Scottish local authorities in terms of applications registered and/or decided by a local authority. This is only for authorities that publish site boundary mapping data online. This is categorised by application status, local authority and date of weekly list.
- Building Standards - historic year layers (Points): Point layer for all previous year's building standards applications with summary details for most Scottish local authorities. This should be a complete dataset across Scotland using X/Y co-ordinates, UPRN or postcode as corresponding geometry.
- Building Standards - historic year layers (Polygons): Polygon layers for all previous year's building standards applications with summary details for most Scottish local authorities. This is only for authorities that publish site boundary mapping data online and is not complete across Scotland.
This data is collected and published weekly (for weekly lists) and this metadata record is updated weekly.
We strongly recommend that, when using the WFS for this dataset, because of it's size you should use it with a filter.
Moray's data has currently been removed from this dataset. We will find a solution to this in due course