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Species point records from 1993-95 DWT Stoke Fleming littoral survey1993-95-DWT-Stoke-Fleming-littoral-survey.csv

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RecordKey SurveyKey SurveyName SampleKey StartDate EndDate DateType LocationName DataType Latitude Longitude Projection AphiaId Species Uncertain Abundance_SACFORN Abundance_Count IsDead SampleComment
JNCCMNCR10397857 JNCCMNCR10000610 1993-95 DWT Stoke Fleming littoral survey JNCCMNCR10021319 1993-11-12 1993-11-12 D The Slide (Matthew's Point to Pilchard Cove) Point 50.3070646620543 -3.62473883333243 WGS84 999000887 Grey lichens FALSE F Not set FALSE Pomatoceros, Mastocarpus stellatus, Fucus has been given a nominal abundance value of Present for this record as in Arev it had no abundance value. Whole shore surveyed. Rugged slate reefs dipping almost vertically towards the sea and emerging from a steep gravel and pebble shore. Rock very smooth and scour obviously very high. Few species, pools and deep fissures (often jammed with slate) richest. Filamentous algae common, though Enteromorpha most noticeable. Balanus perforatus and Pomatoceros on sheltered surfaces in crevices. Lichens do not appear until high up at the same height as flowering plants.
JNCCMNCR10384515 JNCCMNCR10000610 1993-95 DWT Stoke Fleming littoral survey JNCCMNCR10020967 1994-03-26 1994-03-26 D Blackpool Sands (Blackpool (E) to Matthew's Point) Point 50.3190247392032 -3.60547993545194 WGS84 999000887 Grey lichens FALSE C Not set FALSE High rugged slate ridges up to 7m high. Thick, broad Verrucaria maura band with abundant Littorina saxtalis and Littorina neritoides in the many crevices. Shaded places well colonised. Above this abundant Caloplaca spp on sunny faces and Xanthoria parientina / Verrucaria maura on the shaded faces. Small patches of Ochrolechia parella on scree boulder above.
JNCCMNCR10386046 JNCCMNCR10000610 1993-95 DWT Stoke Fleming littoral survey JNCCMNCR10021007 1994-03-26 1994-03-26 D Blackpool Sands (Blackpool (E) to Matthew's Point) Point 50.3190247392032 -3.60547993545194 WGS84 883 Polychaeta FALSE R Not set FALSE Smooth sublittoral fringe slate with abundant Corallinaceae, kelp and common Mytilus edulis spat. Patella spp frequent as were a small variety of red and green algae including Lomentaria clavellosa and Bryopsis plumosa. In general an impoverished habitat, scoured and exposed.
JNCCMNCR10395382 JNCCMNCR10000610 1993-95 DWT Stoke Fleming littoral survey JNCCMNCR10021258 1994-02-26 1994-02-26 D Dancing Beggars (Combe Point to Redlap Cove) Point 50.3260252659509 -3.57368289614296 WGS84 883 Polychaeta FALSE O Not set FALSE Mobile boulder field with rock outcrops and sandy patches. Typical exposed encrusting fauna with Verruca stroemia, bryozoan crusts and abundant spirorbidae. Porifera crusts included Terpios fugax and Aplysilla rosea. Mobile fauna in boulder holes was characterised by Porcallina platycheles and Pilumnus hirtellus with occasional Galathea squamifera and Pisidia longicornis.(Sub-habitat of 610.002.001)