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Counties (December 2018) Full Extent Boundaries ENCSV

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OBJECTID cty18cd cty18nm bng_e bng_n long lat Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E10000002 Buckinghamshire 482506 208561 -0.80568999 51.76966095 1564949144.27465 361853.598103102 9397fb12-ccd7-48aa-aae3-b4baea33133d
2 E10000003 Cambridgeshire 520312 273864 -0.23506001 52.34965897 3054007577.19549 421461.095199034 616c871b-6b49-4caa-b937-3f671c33859a
3 E10000006 Cumbria 341868 527389 -2.90217996 54.63825989 7182472589.15013 580154.222991679 d8579acf-d769-4bf2-860f-157a859ba923
4 E10000007 Derbyshire 426752 353556 -1.60210001 53.07857895 2550762423.13187 469169.950255933 a35e9ac6-654a-4a2c-8c8a-6207850746b4