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Spending over £25,000 in the Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeJanuary 2013 return

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Department Family Entity Payment Date Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Name Transactions Number Amount (£)
FCO FCO 17-Jan-13 Information Systems Maintenance DG CHANGE & DELIVERY 3M UNITED KINGDOM PLC 1064844 61,687.50
FCO FCO 17-Jan-13 VAT (Input) (Oracle Sub-Ledger Control Account) NON CASH & UNALLOCATED COSTS 3M UNITED KINGDOM PLC 1064844 12,337.50
FCO FCO 24-Jan-13 Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account) DG POLITICAL GENESIS 2012360 26,024.91
FCO FCO 24-Jan-13 Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account) DG POLITICAL GENESIS 2012360 1,204.05