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Local Enterprise Partnerships (May 2021) EN BGCCSV

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OBJECTID LEP21CD LEP21NM BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E37000001 Black Country 397407 292505 -2.03964 52.53042 356957268.94751 127706.163290557 76b6338c-547d-4f68-91e1-99d412670e33
2 E37000003 Cheshire and Warrington 368759 368676 -2.46927 53.21423 2266937231.82169 458387.868333401 8a7c79cd-b0bb-42ec-b4da-90ce4a5764f3
3 E37000005 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 212497 64493 -4.64254 50.45022 3565048464.60765 1220429.20956726 90c76b16-69d0-4ad1-a6cf-cf48e467798b
4 E37000006 Coventry and Warwickshire 429584 266723 -1.5676 52.29785 2076141971.47845 356723.731613168 f776fae5-a0ca-4cba-ae27-2cac355c951f