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Phytoplankton Results for England and WalesPhytoplankton Results January 2020 to December 2020

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SampleNumber ProductionArea BedID LocalAuthority GridReference SamplingPoint DateSampleCollected PSP-Alexandrium_spp.CellsL-1 DSP-DinophysiaceaeCellsL-1 DSP-ProrocentrumLimaCellsL-1 ASP-Pseudo-nitzschia_spp.CellsL-1 YessotoxinLingulodiniumPolyedrumCellsL-1 YessotoxinProtoceratiumReticulatumCellsL-1 VenerupinProrocentrumCordatumCellsL-1
Feb-20 West Mersea B013Z Colchester BC TM00001301 The Hard 2020-01-06 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
Mar-20 Solent B24BK Southampton PHA SZ57479794 Browndown 2020-01-06 ND ND ND 160 ND ND ND
Apr-20 Southampton Water B21AT Southampton PHA SU48760530 Hamble Estuary 2020-01-06 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
May-20 Butley B009E East Suffolk DC TM39434850 Pumping Station Outfall 2020-01-07 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND