This resource contains the spatial dataset of Special Protection Areas in Northern Ireland, last updated in November 2017. The date of the latest update to the data is provided in the file name.
The spatial dataset for SPAs of Great Britain is available as a separate resource.
Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) form the UKâs National Site Network. JNCC maintains UK National Site Network datasets (formerly UK Natura 2000 datasets) and periodically publishes updates of the datasets following changes to the site network which include:
- designation/classification of new sites;
- amendments to existing site boundaries;
- corrections to the datasets or amendments due to updates to the underlying base maps.
This dataset was last updated in November 2017. More recent changes to the UK National Site Network (last updated in September 2022) have not resulted in a update to the dataset. Further information on updates to the SPA network, including details of previous updates, can be found on the SPAs webpage.
Please note that the statutory nature conservation body responsible for the sites may update site boundary data in between JNCC's periodic updates. To access the latest National Site Network boundary data, please visit the relevant CNCB website.