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Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Helford Estuary littoral survey1990-NRA-Helford-Estuary-littoral-survey.csv

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RecordKey SurveyKey SurveyName SampleKey StartDate EndDate DateType LocationName DataType Latitude Longitude Projection HabitatCode HabitatDescription
JNCCMNCR10210364 JNCCMNCR10000436 1990 NRA Helford Estuary littoral survey JNCCMNCR10017064 1990-10-04 1990-10-04 D The Bar (Helford Estuary) Point 50.0989130555271 -5.13497030817682 WGS84 LGS.Lan Dense Lanice conchilega in tide-swept lower shore sand
JNCCMNCR10207426 JNCCMNCR10000436 1990 NRA Helford Estuary littoral survey JNCCMNCR10017065 1990-10-04 1990-10-04 D Gillan Harbour (Helford Estuary) Point 50.0863800914053 -5.09919726365121 WGS84 LGS.Lan Dense Lanice conchilega in tide-swept lower shore sand
JNCCMNCR10206689 JNCCMNCR10000436 1990 NRA Helford Estuary littoral survey JNCCMNCR10017054 1990-10-03 1990-10-03 D Gweek Seal Sanctuary (Helford Estuary) Point 50.0964542751787 -5.19214824493092 WGS84 LMU.HedScr Hediste diversicolor and Scrobicularia plana in reduced salinity mud shores
JNCCMNCR10206413 JNCCMNCR10000436 1990 NRA Helford Estuary littoral survey JNCCMNCR10017055 1990-10-03 1990-10-03 D Bishop Quay, Mawgans (Helford Estuary) Point 50.0858319855752 -5.18584939720933 WGS84 LMU.Mu Soft mud shores