The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 require the Council to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed (brownfield) land.
The Council first prepared its Brownfield Land Register in 2017 and this was published on 19th December 2017. This register only consisted of a Part 1 register that included 20 sites that in total could potentially deliver approximately a minimum of 550 dwellings.
The 2019 annual update to the Brownfield Land Register was published on 23 December and identified that the 20 live sites, i.e. not including those built out, on the Part 1 Register could potentially deliver a minimum of approximately 846 dwellings.
2020 interim update
The 2019 annual update of our Brownfield Land Register advised that at the time of writing we were also considering granting ‘Permission in Principle’ on the former Bolsover Hospital site, Welbeck Road, Bolsover by virtue of adding this site in the Part 2 register.
Following the completion of the publicity, notification and consultation procedures, permission in principle was granted by virtue of the entry of the former Bolsover Hospital site in Part 2 of our Brownfield Land Register on 29 July 2020. This permission in principle establishes the suitability in principle for housing led development of the land. The net number of dwellings which the Council considers the land is capable of supporting is between a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 70 dwellings.
The entry of the former Bolsover Hospital site in the Part 2 register forms the only change within the July 2020 update. A full review of the sites in the Register will be carried out in the 2020 annual update that will be published in December 2020.
Brownfield Land Register files
It is required that Brownfield land registers should be published in a ’csv’ format and an INSPIRE compliant polygon format. The update has also followed the requirements set out in the Government’s new Brownfield Land Register data standard (October 2019). For the avoidance of doubt, the new requirements to add the ‘EndDate’ field and to retain built out sites on the register has been incorporated. As part of this, new unique site references have been established to enable users of the information to track sites where the planning status of the site changes over time with the granting of new planning permissions.