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Species point records from 1988 UMBSM Loch Ryan survey1988-UMBSM-Loch-Ryan-survey.csv
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Download this fileRecordKey | SurveyKey | SurveyName | SampleKey | StartDate | EndDate | DateType | LocationName | DataType | Latitude | Longitude | Projection | AphiaId | Species | Uncertain | Abundance_SACFORN | Abundance_Count | IsDead | SampleComment |
JNCCMNCR10803465 | JNCCMNCR10000023 | 1988 UMBSM Loch Ryan survey | JNCCMNCR10001738 | 1988-09-26 | 1988-09-26 | D | The Scar (Loch Ryan) | Point | 54.9637250841293 | -5.05378208599539 | WGS84 | 129379 | Nereis | FALSE | F | Not set | FALSE | Coarse muddy sand with much shell debris and stones. Scattered cobbles supporting fucoids and other algae. Centre area of bank slightly higher, more rippled and black layer deeper (samples from this area). Black layer on lower part at about 2cm. |
JNCCMNCR10814602 | JNCCMNCR10000023 | 1988 UMBSM Loch Ryan survey | JNCCMNCR10002202 | 1988-09-24 | 1988-09-24 | D | N of Garry Point (Loch Ryan) | Point | 55.0131168003843 | -5.05597353104703 | WGS84 | 144440 | Bonnemaisonia asparagoides | FALSE | O | Not set | FALSE | Hydrozoa has been removed from the species list for this record as more specific related taxa were also present, these are now marked as characterising. Horizontal bedrock with scattered boulders, cobbles and some gravel. Wave action noticeable and site is presumably scoured by this. Hydroids abundant on almost all surfaces, foliose algae also abundant. Laminaria hyperborea scattered and frequent. |
JNCCMNCR10756772 | JNCCMNCR10000023 | 1988 UMBSM Loch Ryan survey | JNCCMNCR10002569 | 1988-09-22 | 1988-09-22 | D | Boak Port (Loch Ryan) | Point | 55.0189886976551 | -5.10805537966838 | WGS84 | 144440 | Bonnemaisonia asparagoides | FALSE | F | Not set | FALSE | Rhodophycota has been removed from the species list for this record as more specific related taxa were also present, these are now marked as characterising. Bedrock and boulders, 8.5-13.5m BCD, with abundant foliose red algae and hydroids (N. antennina common). Silt on most surfaces and between boulders. Some cobbles between boulders also. Alcyonium and Metridium present on rocks. |
JNCCMNCR10807669 | JNCCMNCR10000023 | 1988 UMBSM Loch Ryan survey | JNCCMNCR10001922 | 1988-09-22 | 1988-09-22 | D | N of Portandea (Loch Ryan) | Point | 55.0400361137374 | -5.05802437498084 | WGS84 | 144440 | Bonnemaisonia asparagoides | FALSE | R | Not set | FALSE | Low lying bedrock reefs with scattered Laminaria hyperborea, frequent foliose algae and many Echinus esculentus at 9 to 10m. Styela clava present. |