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Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Senior officials’ business expenses and hospitalityFCDO’s permanent secretary’s meetings, July to September 2022

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Name (Permanent Secretary Only) Date Person or organisation that meeting was with Purpose of meeting
Philip Barton 05/07/2022 Metropolitan Epiphany, Head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) / Archbishop Zoria To discuss the impact of Russia’s invasion on freedom of religion or belief in Ukraine
Philip Barton 22/07/2022 British International Investment (BII) Annual Shareholders Meeting followed by catch-up with Diana Layfield, Chair BII
Philip Barton 23/07/2022 British Council To discuss the application of controls to the British Council's commercial operations
Philip Barton 16/09/2022 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) To discuss most significant current humanitarian crises, including the Horn of Africa, Ukraine and Pakistan