The Highways Agency Command and Control database is an incident management system which captures details such as the duration of a carriageway impact.
A Carriageway Impact results from any incident where the capacity (of one or more running lanes) has been reduced or where there is deemed to be a risk to a road user such as debris. An impact may or may not result in a full carriageway or motorway closure. A carriageway impact can relate to a single lane that has been closed for a period of time. A carriageway impact is recorded as one impact whether it affects one or both sides of the carriageway i.e. it is not directional.
A Carriageway Impact incident includes:-
• Incidents upon the HA network not just the TOS patrolled network
• Incidents on managed motorway sections even if hard shoulder is not in use
• Hard shoulder if being used as live lane during road works.
• Any debris in a live lane which should be graded as immediate response
• ETM (Emergency Traffic Management) lane or road closures
• Minor pieces of debris that pose a risk to say motorcyclists
• Rolling road blocks
And Excludes:-
• Abnormal loads
• Congestion – either incident related or not
• Reductions in speed due to mandatory speed limits
• Planned or scheduled road works
• Reduction in speed due to advisory speed limits set by the RCC
• Impact on the hard shoulder
The information provided is a high level national overview of the number and average duration of carriageway impact incidents and it is a requirement to produce this information, in this format, against the Highways Agency Business Plan measure.
Please note only incidents where a carriageway impact has been recorded will be included.
Only incidents that occurred on a motorway including Dartford Crossing and some APTR’s classified as a motorway such as A1(M) will be included.