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UK fixed-line broadband performancePanellist data - November 2014

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Id Distance band Distance band used for weighting Urban/rural Market ISP Technology LLU Headline speed Download speed (Mbit/s) 24 hrs Download speed (Mbit/s) Max Download speed (Mbit/s) 8-10pm weekday Upload speed (Mbit/s)24-hour Upload speed (Mbit/s)Max Upload speed (Mbit/s)8-10pm weekday DNS resolution (ms)24-hour DNS failure (%)24-hour DNS resolution (ms)8-10pm weekday DNS failure (%)8-10pm weekday Jitter up (ms)24-hour Jitter down (ms)24-hour Jitter up (ms)8-10pm weekday Jitter down (ms)8-10pm weekday Latency (ms)24-hour Packet loss (%)24-hour Latency (ms)8-10pm weekday Packet loss (%)8-10pm weekday Web page (ms)24-hour Web page (ms)8-10pm weekday isp weights nat weights
1302 2563-5000 Not set Urban 3 Virgin Cable Cable 60 46.9844 54.0065 39.5455 3.115 3.220 3.114 15.712 0.000 17.216 0.000 2.126 0.404 3.386 0.672 20.101 0.000 22.322 0.000 281.602 326.401 1 0.0994
1308 0-385 Not set Urban 3 BT FTTC Non-LLU 80 45.5636 56.473 44.6293 14.967 17.393 14.871 24.337 0.000 24.240 0.000 0.240 0.282 0.238 0.292 23.882 0.000 24.140 0.000 328.972 325.740 1 Not set
1318 1367-1635 1299-1680 Urban 3 TalkTalk ADSL LLU 20 6.9502 8.379 6.5982 0.806 0.936 0.788 37.816 0.001 47.108 0.002 2.348 1.486 4.917 2.704 40.412 0.002 46.788 0.004 973.295 1232.743 1.88 0.2646
1319 1992-2563 1680-2274 Urban 3 Sky ADSL LLU 20 5.1803 5.9627 5.1002 0.893 1.088 0.876 22.514 0.000 22.830 0.000 0.670 0.554 0.678 0.572 21.828 0.001 20.981 0.001 1077.498 1098.193 1.73 0.4158