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Contracts and tenders from Cheltenham Borough Council
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Download this fileBody Name | Body (ONS SNAC code) | One Legal Register Reference | Service Area (SeRCOP Category) | Dept. responsible for budget (if different from service area) | Title of Contract | Scope ( CBC only or with other authorities or for benefit of others) | Contract Reference number | Description of works, goods or services and to whom | Start date (DD/MM/YYYY) | End Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Extention Period (included any criteria) | Contract Value (per annum or Total) | Suppliers Name | Contact Point for Queries | Procurement Category |
Cheltenham Borough Council | UKK 1306 | NW/15288 | Central Services | Housing Neighbourhood Regeneration | Joint Housing Condition Survey | CBC only | NA | Housing Condition Survey | 25.01.2011 | 29.07.2011 | None | £31,150 | David Adamson & Partners | Private Sector Housing Manager | Services |
Cheltenham Borough Council | UKK 1306 | NW/15388 | Planning Services | Planning Policy | Green Belt Review | Joint Core Strategy partners | NA | Green Belt Review | 1.1.2011 | 27.5.2011 | by agreement | £19,776 | Entec UK Limited | Strategic Land Use Manager | Services |
Cheltenham Borough Council | UKK 1306 | NW/15562 | Planning Services | Joint Core Strategy - Planning | JCS Retail Study - Contract | CBC only | NA | Retail Study - Phase 1 | 1.7.2011 | 29.7.2011 | until project completed | £33,244 | DPDS Regional Limited | Strategic Land Use Manager | Services |
Cheltenham Borough Council | UKK 1306 | SEH/15903 | Environmental Services | Emergency Planning | Emergency Services Support | CBC only | NA | Support services | 1.4.2011 | 31.4.2014 | None | £13,990 pa | Gloucestershire County Council | Executive Director | Services |