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Brownfield_RegisterStafford BC CSV File

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OrganisationURI SiteReference SiteNameAddress GeoY GeoX SiteplanURL Hectares OwnershipStatus PlanningStatus PermissionType PermissionDate PlanningHistory Deliverable NetDwellingsRangeFrom NetDwellingsRangeTo HazardousSubstances Notes FirstAddedDate LastUpdatedDate EndDate 2236513REM Land Off Fairway Littleworth Stafford Staffordshire ST17 4NH 52.80168953 -2.090782895 22.7 not owned by a public authority permissioned full planning permission 07/03/2023 yes 196 196 N/A Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to planning permission reference 18/28423/OUT for phase 4 of the proposed development which comprises 209 dwellings, parking, landscaping, and associated infrastructure. 15/11/2017 30/10/2024 Not set 2236853REM Land Off Fairway Littleworth Stafford Staffordshire ST17 4NH 52.80168953 -2.090782895 9 not owned by a public authority permissioned full planning permission 20/03/2023 yes 213 213 N/A Reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to planning permission ref. 18/28423/OUT for phases 1, 1a, 2 & 3 of the proposed development comprising 213 dwellings, public open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure 12/11/2021 30/10/2024 Not set 1828018FUL Land at Elms Business Centre, Main Road, Great Haywood 52.80260184 -2.006685442 0.33 not owned by a public authority permissioned full planning permission 31/03/2015 yes 6 6 N/A RESIDENTIAL DEVLEOPMENT (SIX UNITS) AT REAR OF ELMS BUSINESS CENTRE/ELMS LODGE/ELMS FARMHOUSE INCLUDING DEMOLITION OF ASBESTOS CLAD COMMERCIAL UNIT - RESUBMISSION OF 14/21329/FUL TO INCLUDE ACCESS ROUTE WITHIN RED EDGE 15/11/2017 04/09/2020 Not set 1523140FUL Land at Elms Business Centre Phase 2, Main Road, Great Haywood 52.80213062 -2.006565661 0.2 not owned by a public authority permissioned full planning permission 24/08/2016 yes 10 10 N/A Demolish existing commercial units and change of use of existing 2 storey to create 2 two-bedroom units and build an additional attached block of 4 one-bedroom units and 4 two-bedroom units (total number 10 units) 15/11/2017 04/09/2020 Not set